Chapter 4

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This place is crowded with people. The screams and laughs of people enjoying the ride aren't so easy to ignore. Amelia and I decided to twin and wear white sundresses. We both left our hair untied as well. Amelia's arms are hooked with mine as we walk and talk to decide which ride to take next. The sky looks like a beautiful canvas with shades of orange, yellow, purple, pink, and blue spread across it. The sun will be set soon.
We played a lot of games and we ate a lot of food.
All along this day is going great. I don't want to be ungrateful, but........something is missing. This day is exactly how I expected it to be, but something is not right. It keeps bothering me. My eyes can not stick to one place. They linger everywhere to see and scan the faces of all the people. My ears focus just to listen to that particular heavy and honey-like voice.
He's not here.
I should have known better, but I still had that small hope somewhere inside my heart, that maybe, just maybe, he might come, we would meet again and he would tell me his name so I could turn him into ink on paper and forever make him a small part of my life, maybe not small actually.

"Let's go sit there, My legs will fall off at any moment now." Amelia pulls me to a sitting place near a water fountain. We both give heavy sighs out of exhaustion as we sit and keep all our bags filled with shopping items next to us on the wooden bench.
Amelia stares at her phone, something she has been doing all day today. This is out of her usual behavior, I don't know what's going on, but she looks worried each time she turns on her mobile. I see her gulp as she sees something on her phone.

"Everything okay?" I ask her

"Huh? What? No, not at all, It's all okay. " She gives a fake laugh and keeps her mobile in her pocket.

"You know you can share anything with me, right?" I ask her, Amelia may look expressive, strong, and bold, which she no doubt is, but there are things about her that she may not share. She may just fight all alone. I see guilt in her eyes as she thinks about how to answer that.

"Sil, I will have to go somewhere, I may not be able to tell you now, but I will for sure let you know what it is soon. I am sorry, I wanted to spend today with you and watch the fireworks like we always do, but I will have to go. I am sorry, Sil, " Amelia says

I smile and nod " I understand, you go ahead, I will wait till the fireworks, it would be soon anyway " She gives me a weak smile and takes all the stuff with her saying she will take it her home for now and later I can take it from her.

Now, I sit alone by the water fountain. A few drops fall on me at times, Groups of people, family, friends, and lovers walk here, and they are laughing and spreading love within each other. Healing parts of each other that they might not even know needed healing.
On the other hand, I see other families where I see the couple not enjoying each other's company while their kids laugh and enjoy without knowing anything, Lovers where they fight, and lovers where I see one putting way too much effort, while the other decides to put none And friends where they do have the title of a friend but one of them stand in the corner quietly feeling left out and yet no one sees.
The day was about to end, and I didn't see him. Maybe it was a coincidence.
I sigh.

"Aesterope," I hear a familiar voice call out from right behind me.
I snap my head back to see exactly who I have been craving to see from the moment I entered here. I stand up and turn toward him, standing just a few inches away.

"My name is Aesterope. Nice to meet you, Miss Silvia Brennan." He smirks and brings a hand forward that holds beautiful red roses. Behind him, the sun sets shining around him as if setting just to outline his structure. The wind blows, but it does nothing to soothe my poor heart which beats faster than lightning.

"Aesterope," I whisper, making sure to engrave this name in my brain so I never forget it. I look into his blue eyes that look at me with an emotion that I just can't describe.

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