Chapter 3

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"So, how are you feeling now?"

The wine guy has a voice so soothing that I almost want to wrap myself around it like a cocoon.

"Alive." My nose is blocked, and I can already feel my eyes swollen a bit too much.

After I was done crying, he suggested going to a nearby store. The rain droplets become lighter and lighter. I bought myself instant noodles to warm myself. After that sudden sensation of heat had faded, my body started to feel the atmosphere around me. I am still drenched as the guy is, and the weather seems a lot colder, and yet sitting here around him feels warm.
Sort of warmth that your body may not feel but your soul craves.
My phone rings, and the screen on the table lights up. It's Amelia. I pick up the phone, not putting it too close to my ears in case the water drips on it.

"Where the fuck are you ?" Amelia's voice was so loud that even the wine guy sitting across me could hear her. He gave a little laugh that revealed a dimple on his right cheek.

I brought my focus back " I left the event an hour ago"

"Oh really?  I didn't figure it out at all. Not like I was worried sick where you are and went around trying to find you in every fucking corner of this giant ass hall and asked people if they saw you and almost called police to file a fucking missing report" Amelia's voice grew louder with each word and I already imagine her all worried.

"Why didn't you call me?" A sense of guilt wraps around me slowly

"Why didn't I call you? Have you not checked your phone? I called you more than twenty times" I must have been busy crying my lungs out when she did.

"I'm sorry, I tried to stay there but.."  before I could finish Amelia interrupted "I don't want you to be sorry Sil, I need you to be okay. Are you okay?"

I pause. I think. Usually, I would have answered  I am fine without any hesitation but today is different. Today I just want to be honest with myself for once.
"I was not. Not at all. But thanks to someone my chains became lighter to carry " I look at the wine guy whose eyes are stuck on mine.

"Chain? What the fuck? Are you at the Police Station? Something happened?  Should I come?" Amelia asked to which I smiled and the wine guy chuckled. Dimples again.

"I'm okay, relax. I need some time to relax, I will tell you everything tomorrow morning, okay?"

"Alright,  love you. Take care. Call me if you need anything, bye"  The call ended.

"You are lucky to have a friend like her," The wine guy says

"I know. I don't deserve her" I say with a smile, memories of how we met flash in my mind leaving a ting of warmth

"Who gives you the right to decide that?" The wine guy asks leaving me questioning and confused. He continues "I think you should should let the person decide if you deserve them or not. That's how it works, I like talking to you, I talk more because I know you are worth it, you deserve it. So how can you say you don't deserve her? I can see that she surely thinks you deserve her, in fact maybe she thinks you deserve better"

He leaves me speechless  "Sometimes people can not know what they deserve and they settle for less out of empathy or sympathy "

He puts a bit of thought into it and replies "True, sometimes people can not know what they deserve.  They may deserve the world but in their own eyes, they may have it all wrong" He is looking right into my eyes, into my soul. It's Almost as if he is saying it to me. Almost. "And when it comes to empathy or sympathy...." he says something but my focus is not there at all as I fall deep in those blue eyes. It's so rare to see it here, he continues "although sometimes we overthink and misinterpret stuff, but if the person wants you to stay, they find reasons to make you stay. It's not that complicated,"

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