🫧 [ 34 ] 08/18/22 🫧

33 2 4

"and only few minutes before you found me the next day crying, i had received a text from jinnie about his broken rib and apologising for not helping me much, just causing trouble. he told me, he loved me but he couldn't keep up with me hurting because of him, so he decided to broke up with me, through a call, because we didn't know when we will see each other again and not to cause any more trouble with that man... you saved me, binnie-hyung. you really did" another tears escaped innie's eyes with the last sentence.

"as much as you praise your hyung, he was a coward to do that" the older seemed to get mad but he was just worried and sad he couldn't be there for the younger more.

"no, it was not his fault, he was just as scared as me and he had a reason to be. i was 13, he was 15 back then, basically babies. we were each other's first loves, at least for a while" ★

innie calmed brunet by tracing his fingers around his chest. the calming silence was surrounding them. it seemed like the thunderstorm was gone.

"my father then tried to 'put his faggot son on the right way again' by signing me up for rugby, setting me up with random girls and banning me from having another boy in my bedroom with doors closed. the name hyunjin was absolutely banned in our household and he even tried to separate us as friends. however, jinnie's parents stepped in, so we couldn't only visit each other's place. with minho-hyung and seungmin-hyung, it always had to be both of them if i wanted to have doors closed. the girls he tried to set me up with understood that i was gay and we quickly became friends, so, now i have a lot of girl friends. and i quitted rugby, of course" the blonde chuckled, and changbin was glad that he was not that sad anymore. he was really upset about the younger's father and wanted to beat the shit out of him if he ever met him. he couldn't even imagine how it was to have a homophobic parent. his parents simply didn't care at all.

"my mom is on my side. she always talks with me about my crushes and all of that in secret. she would have taken me and my younger brother and left her husband a long time ago if it weren't for his money, really. he is a really wealthy businessman, and my mom works as a florist, so there's not a lot of money from her job. my older brother gets along with our father, and it looks like he would be the one taking over the company after him. i want to start working part-time as soon as possible so i can leave that place. my mother told me she would support me if i decide to leave, but she has to stay for my younger brother... ahhh, it's so complicated" he ended his monologue, frustrated.

"foxie, i can ask my manager if you can start working with me and your seungmin-hyung in the café at the start of school year" the older stated.

"that would be amazing, dwaekki! how come i didn't think of that?" the younger exclaimed.

"well, certainly i was missing in your life" he winked, and the fox-boy giggled.


they both just stared into each other's eyes, with subtle blush spreading around their cheeks. they realised how close they had become in such a short period of time and none of them was uncomfortable with that.

"you're not alone, foxie. we'll get you out of there"

innie and jinnie were babies, i know, but i can't rewrite it because of the plot 😭

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