The journey of discord

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Kyoka wakes up one morning and once again gets hit with a brutal sound

Kyoka: Argh!

Kyoka's parents run in (same parents from Mha)

Kyotoku: What's wrong

Kyoka: oh you know just the usual

Mum and dad share a worried glance and do what they always do they cover Kyoka's ears and slowly but surely allow her to relax

Kyoka: Thank you

Mika: it's no problem at all Kyoka but now why don't you get ready for school ok

Kyoka nods and gets up

Her parents leave

Kyoka lifts her hand up and blasts out a small wave basically acting like a small gust of wind to release the sound she absorbed

Kyoka: ahh much better

Kyoka comes downstairs and is eating breakfast

Her parents start looking at her without talking

Kyoka: uh what

Mika: well Kyoka you know we love you

Kyoka: yeah

Kyotoku: but these powers of yours they are

Kyoka sighs: I know you both don't like them

The two both sigh

Mika: Yes it's true in fact you waking up screaming because of noises that you can hear that are coming from far away we find that-

Kyotoku: it's scares us ok, we know superheroes exist but you just have these powers

Kyoka unfazed: Yeah when you can hear everything in this house it's no hard to learn secrets

They both look shocked

Mika: so you know that we have found a solution

Kyotoku: we believe these people we found can help get rid of your powers

Kyoka: would that make you two happy

Mika: yes it would please consider this

Kyoka sighs: ok I'll do it

They look happy

Kyotoku: oh this is amazing I'll call them right now

The dad runs off

Mika: you are being really brave Kyoka thank you

Kyoka: if it's for you two I don't mind being normal

The mother and daughter smile at each other

Soon Kyoka is taken to a weird lab

Kyoka is a little bit scared but Mika grabs her hand and guides her into the lab

Mika: uh excuse me sir here she is

A scientist turns around

Scientist: Ahh so this is Kyoka, you're the special girl

Kyoka: that's one of the things I've been called yes

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