Problems on Earth

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Nagisa and Kyoka over the next few weeks fought many villains to get back into shape and even ended clashing with a weird powerhouse of an enemy alongside the other heroes of the world

Omnipitus: Behold! The might of omnipitus! Tremble before my unlimited power! 

Immortal: No!

They all fight the mighty enemy clashing with him until they at lea5 survived they honestly can't remember what happened very well

Now they are in a training room with the other guardians

Monster girl is training against duplikate while blindfolded

Monster girl: This is stupid, I can see in the dark

Immortal: that assumes you still have your eyes

And monster girl continues to get hit

Immortal: Time! Monster girl, Kate, shower off, bulletproof, Shapesmith you're up

Nagisa: These training sessions are getting intense

Kyoka: I know right only a month back and we are already training like crazy, it's nice to get back to normal though

Nagisa: True

Then Rudy starts talking to immortal

Rudy: Immortal if I may have a moment, m-may I remind you that monster girl's transformations cause her to age in reverse

Immortal: I know how my teams powers work

Naga: This guy is really annoying

Nagisa: Wow it's been a while

Naga: Yeah well I was asleep I got really bored but then that fight with Kaito woke me up and now I'm back

Rudy: Then you must understand that this kind of training is hazardous for her, I've developed a simulation-

Monster girl: Hey! I can hear you ya know

She angrily walks over

Kyokaw whispers: Uh oh

Nagisa: Yup

Rudy: Amanda I noticed the Immortal wasn't tracking your transformations

Monster girl: it's not his job to track my transformations and it's not yours either

Rudy: l..logically if there's a way to mitigate your lost time

Amanda: You get this controlling after one date there's not gonna be another one

The duo feels like they should be eating popcorn right now

Rudy looks sad

Rec then decides to be the lovable asshole he is

Rex : Oh no! Is eighth grade prom cancelled Haha don't tell me 'Cecil teleports in right next to him' AHH! Mother fucker!, Oh fuck! You know people try and kill us every single day right just call please!

Nagisa: Never gonna happen

Cecil unfazed: We have a problem

They go to the other room and there's a Hologram of a huge spaceship

Cecil: it's coming from mars heading directly for earth we tried calling but they aren't answering

Rudy: It may be..unmanned

Cecil: Except it's back to the gills with bio matter

They both hear Shapesmith make a noise

Kyoka: Yo Shapesmith your heart rate just increased so come on spill it

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