Volleyball fun

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The next morning, Nagisa woke up feeling the familiar warmth and pressure of Kyoka's arms wrapped tightly around him. He blinked sleepily, trying to adjust to the light filtering into their room. As he moved slightly, he realized just how firmly Kyoka was holding him.

Nagisa: Kyoka... Kyoka, wake up.

Kyoka stirred, but instead of letting go, she tightened her grip, nuzzling closer to Nagisa. He sighed, half-amused, half-frustrated.

Nagisa: Come on, Kyoka, we need to get up.

Kyoka: 'mumbling' Don't care. Too comfy. You are too cuddly

Nagisa chuckled, resigned to his fate. He gently stroked her hair, trying to wake her up without being too forceful.

Nagisa: Please, Kyoka. We can cuddle later.

Kyoka: 'grumbling' Fine. But only because I love you.

She reluctantly loosened her grip, allowing Nagisa to sit up. He stretched, feeling the pleasant ache in his muscles from their activities the previous day. Kyoka watched him with a sleepy smile.

Kyoka: 'teasing' You know, you look really cute when you're trying to escape.

Nagisa: 'blushing' I wasn't trying to escape. I just... needed to stretch.

Kyoka: 'smirking' Sure, sure. Whatever you say, my little lizard girl.

Nagisa: 'rolling his eyes' You're never going to let me live this down, are you?

Kyoka: 'grinning' Nope. Not a chance.

After getting dressed and ready for the day, this time they wore more causal clothes, they headed out to explore more of the island. The morning sun was warm, and the ocean breeze was refreshing. They decided to start with a visit to a local market, bustling with vibrant colors and the sounds of vendors selling their wares.

As they wandered through the stalls, Kyoka couldn't resist teasing Nagisa at every opportunity. She pointed out various dresses and accessories, joking about how they'd look on him.

Kyoka: 'holding up a sunhat' This would look adorable on you, Nagi-chan. Don't you think?

Nagisa: 'groaning' Do you have to do this in public?

Kyoka: 'laughing' Absolutely. It's too much fun seeing you all flustered.

Nagisa: 'sighing' You're impossible.

Kyoka: 'smiling' And you love me for it.

Nagisa couldn't help but smile, despite his embarrassment. Kyoka's playful teasing was a constant reminder of how much she cared for him, and he wouldn't trade it for anything.

Nagisa: Yeah you're right but I'm not wearing that sunhat

After the market, they decided to spend some time at the beach. The crystal-clear water was inviting, and they quickly changed into their swimsuits. Kyoka wore a stylish bikini, Nagisa also wore a bikini but this one was a bit more modest and simple

Kyoka: 'teasing' You look great, Nagi-chan.

Nagisa: 'blushing: Thanks.

Kyoka: you're beautiful, no matter what.

As they reached the beach, Nagisa and Kyoka heard the excited chatter of people gathering around a makeshift volleyball court. A large banner flapped in the breeze, announcing a one-day volleyball tournament. They exchanged a look, smirking simultaneously.

Kyoka: 'grinning' What do you think, Nagi-chan? Feel like showing off our skills?

Nagisa: 'smirking' You know it. It's been a while since we played together. This could be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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