The next step

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Nagisa and Kyoka are at graduation with the others except mark

Principal: For some of you it probably seemed like this day would never come for others it came far too quickly maybe you're even wondering if you're ready for this for what comes next,  you are, I look out at this class and I see hope, I see a bright new world with a special place for each and everyone of you

William: Mark's not seriously gonna miss his own graduation is he

Amber: he's just running a little late

Eve: this is why I quit superheroing

Nagisa: hey me and Kyoka still do it

Kyoka: it's Kyoka and I dumbass, but yes we are still here this is a mark thing not a superhero thing

Willaim: I mean you only get to say goodbye to high school once, it needs to be enjoying, appreciated, savoured

Principal: as you find your place in the world know that it won't always be easy, sometimes life hits you with everything it's got, when you find yourself in the shadow of adversity do not be afraid because without adversity there can be no triumph without testing your limits you will never know how strong you truly are

Nagisa and Kyoka smile at that line knowing how true it's really been throughout their lives

Principal: as the great Abraham Lincoln once said whatever you are be a good one

William: did he though? Did he say that? Doesn't sound very Lincolny

Mark: oh so all I missed was the made up inspirational quotes, cool

Amber: hey there hero good timing

They kiss and Amber tastes sulphur apparently


Principal: Amber Justine Bennett

Amber: Yeah!

Principal: William Francis clockwell

William: I'd say it's been fun but you know high school

Principal: Nagisa karma shiota

Nagisa: Thanks teach won't forget you at least for the next year

He throws his diploma in the air then catches it and winks at the crowd

Principal: Kyoka sumireiro Jiro

Kyoka: maybe we'll meet again teach don't know where this world takes us

Principal: Markus Sebastian Grayson

Samantha Eve Wilkins

Kyoka: I thought we weren't keeping secrets where'd the name karma comes from

Nagisa: It was the name of my grandfather's best friend apparently he was a total psycho what about you where'd did sumireiro come from

Kyoka: Heh they took one look at me and thought of the colour violet and that's where it comes from

Nagisa: nice

Principal: everyone plays rise 'they all do' congratulations graduates

They all throw thier hats in the air

Mark's and Nagisa's go a bit too high

Nagisa: Shit,

Mark: oh crap

Principal: remember be bold, be original, be


Later at Eve's treehouse

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