The fated meeting

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Kyoka is still overcome with grief and just walks until she reaches a park

Kyoka emotionlessly sits down on a swing

That's when the past three years flash through her mind and finally the explosion finishes ringing in her ears and the floodgates open

Kyoka stays there crying for who knows how long until she notices someone sitting next to her

They look too be a cute blue haired girl or maybe a boy wearing a costume that looked like a grim reaper

?: How ya doing?

Kyoka sniffles: I'm,,fine

?: yeah I don't believe that for a second

Kyoka wipes her tears looking slightly annoyed

Kyoka: Yeah and how would you know?

The person pulls up his sleeve revealing scars from handcuffs as well as several different types of scars that Kyoka didn't recognise

Kyoka's eyes widened: so that's how

? gives a solemn nod: Ever heard of the heroes Python and Venom

Kyoka: The guardians of the globe? What do they have to do with this?

? gives a hollow chuckle: Well they where my parents before they died saving me from villains who where torturing me

Kyoka's eyes widened again: So that's how you knew

?: yeah and considering that look in your eyes you've been through the same thing or at least very similar

Kyoka: Alright well why don't you tell me and I'll tell you

Nagisa: well first my name is Nagisa and alright if it'll make you trust me

Nagisa explains everything that happened

Kyoka looks like she's about to throw up

Nagisa nods: yeah tell me about it, but I've spilled my guts so what's your story violet

Kyoka: My name is kyoka, but sure why not

Kyoka explains everything that happened to her

Nagisa looks disgusted: So when did this happen

Kyoka: about an hour ago, you

Nagisa: a couple of years ago for me but I've gone on a rampage several times since then

Kyoka: Wow traumatised children with superpowers isn't that original

Nagisa gives a hollow chuckle: I know right we are so cliche alright give me a second

Nagjsa takes out his phone and makes a call

Nagisa: Hey Cecil I've got a situation

Cecil: better not be a cat in a tree

Nagisa: no time for jokes old man

Cecil gets serious: ok what's wrong

Nagisa: I've found another problem child

Cecil: tell me everything

Nagisa tells Cecil everything

Kyoka: who are you talking too?

Nagisa: someone who can help, anyway Cecil think you can stop by my apartment

Cecil: Alright but this better be good kid

Nagisa hangs up: Well..looks like I can get you some help

Kyoka's eyes brighten a little bit: Wait really?

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