The 4th robotic rumble

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Nagisa and Kyoka are currently flying over a city, the acrid scent of smoke and the distant rumble of destruction greeted them. Their eyes locked onto the source of the chaos: a the formidable android capable of manipulating earth and molten lava with devastating power.

Nagisa: There it is.

Kyoka: Let's put an end to this.

With a swift descent, they landed amidst the chaos, their presence drawing the attention of the towering android.

Nagisa: Alright I assume you have a name

Red Volcano: You are correct insect my name is Red volcano!, now move pests to crush beneath my feet. You shall not interfere with my mission."

Kyoka: yeah We'll see about that.

The ground trembled as Red Volcano unleashed a torrent of molten lava, forcing Nagisa and Kyoka to leap apart to avoid being engulfed.

Kyoka: move!

Nagisa: No problem!

With a swift motion, Nagisa's form shimmered as he tapped into his powers to evade the searing heat.

Meanwhile, Kyoka unleashed a barrage of sonic blasts, aiming to disrupt the android's control over the earth beneath their feet.

Kyoka: Eat this scrapface!

Red Volcano roared in frustration, the ground beneath him shaking as he retaliated with a wave of jagged rocks and molten streams.

Nagisa: We'll this definitely isn't gonna be easy

Kyoka: yeah no shit! 'She smiles' But it's not any different then usual

Nagisa smiles too: true

With a nod of understanding, they coordinated their attacks, Nagisa distracting Red Volcano while Kyoka aimed for its vulnerable points with precision sonic blasts.

The battle raged on, each blow shaking the earth and sending shockwaves rippling through the air. But as the dust settled, it became clear that Red Volcano was not going down without a fight.

Red Volcano: You are merely delaying the inevitable. I am    !

Nagisa: yeah we've heard that before

As Red Volcano continued to unleash its fury upon the city, Nagisa and Kyoka found themselves locked in a relentless struggle against the formidable android.

Nagisa lunged forward, his movements fluid and precise as he evaded streams of molten lava and launched a barrage of strikes against Red Volcano's sturdy frame. Each blow reverberated through the air, but the android seemed unfazed, its metallic exterior absorbing the impact with ease.

Kyoka stood her ground, channeling her sonic powers with unwavering focus. She unleashed powerful shockwaves, aiming to disrupt Red Volcano's control over the earth and lava, but the android's resilience proved to be a formidable challenge.

Red Volcano retaliated with ferocity, sending torrents of molten lava and jagged rocks hurtling towards Nagisa and Kyoka. They dodged and weaved through the onslaught, their movements synchronized as they fought to keep the city safe from destruction.

Despite their best efforts, Red Volcano's onslaught showed no signs of abating. The android seemed relentless, its power growing with each passing moment as it tapped into the earth's molten core.

Nagisa gritted his teeth, determination burning bright in his eyes as he faced down the formidable foe.

Nagisa: tch this thing is a whole lot stronger then the others and tougher as well

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