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After a few hours of washing the fire oven, as thoroughly as he could, Feliciano leaned against the island and sighed. "Oh mio dio that was hard..." he walked over to the sink and washed his hands best he could to rid the ashes from his hands. The Italian picked up the cleaning supplies and put them away before wiping his hands on his apron and going into the living room where Elizabeta was reading a book. The Hungarian women was wearing a fine silk purple dress traced with light green thread. Her makeup was completely done but not too heavily and she had her hair in a nice braid going down her back with her bangs tucked behind her ears. "You look pretty! What's the occasion?" Feliciano smiled. Elizabeta jumped a bit not noticing him come in and looked over at him before placing a warm smile upon her face. "Ah, Today is the ball! I am going with Rodrich and we are going to meet the prince!" Feliciano's eyes seemed to brighten, "Am I coming too?!" He questioned with hope in his voice. Elizabeta's smile saddened and she shook her head. "No, you are not coming, you need to stay here and tend to chores" she explained. The Italians bright expression dulled but his smile didn't cease. "Oh.. Alright, When are you leaving?" He asked glancing at the clock. "As soon as Rodrich comes down, he should almost be ready" Feliciano nodded and shifted his weight before speaking. "May I have a seat?" Elizabeta nodded and smiled scooting herself over and patting the spot next to her. "Come here, I will teach you some more words" she said brightly. Feliciano could speak his mother tongue and is getting more fluent in English but still has yet to read the English words right off the bat. The auburn haired man sat next to the Hungarian and looked over at the book in her hands.

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