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"Hey, Are you alright" Feliciano heard the buff man in front of him say. He just stared and nodded before realising who the other was. "I-I-Uh- I'm sorry!" Feli said stepping back away from the man in front of him with a blush, hardly visible due to the mask, spread across his face. Ludwig smiled softly, "Ja, It's fine" he said before walking to the half empty snack table. Feliciano smiled and looked around before seating himself back down at his spot where a slice of cake was waiting for him. There, he not so sneakily watched Ludwig retrieve his own plate of delicacies. When Ludwig looked over at Feliciano the Italian looked back down at his cake and ate some more. Though Feli knew it was wrong, and he had just ever seen the other, he was already head over heals for him. "Hello" Ludwig said seating himself in front of the small Italian. Feli looked up at the prince, staring at his Icey blue eyes through the mask with his own honey brown ones. 'He looked even better up close.. Oh dio...' Feliciano thought staring at him. Ludwig just smiled and looked back at the other, he took a bite of his food and thought of conversation starters from the manual he read before the party. "So It's your birthday, Happy Birthday!" Feli said, beating him to it. "Danke" the German smiled taking a bite of his cake as Felicaino did the same. "So what's your name?" Ludwig asked looking up at the other. "Feli-" he paused and glanced around to see if Rodrich or Elizabeta where anywhere around, when he saw they where no where close he smiled and looked back at the German. "Feliciano Vargas" he said with a smile. "Pleasure to meet you Feliciano" Ludwig said with a smile.

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