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After an hour or so of snacks, drinks, and giggling to himself from overhearing some funny conversations, a man appeared at the top of the grand staircase. He stood there for a bit and the room slowly fell silent. "I am so glad you could all make it to the princes 20th birthday!" The man announced. His appearance was a bit difficult to make out from the distance Feliciano was at but he could tell the man was wearing White dress clothes and a mask with a beak, sort of like Rodrichs. "I now present to you the eldest, Prince Gilbert Beilschmidt" his vouce boomed from the top of the staircase. A man with pure white hair and Black dress clothes came out of the hall smiling and stood next to the other man. His mask was a black one, also with a beak. "And the youngest of the Beilschmidts, Prince Ludwig Beilschmidt" Another man came out from the hall, He was taller and buffer than the other, making it hard to believe he was younger than Gilbert. This man had blonde hair, slicked back neatly and also wore black dress clothes. From what Feliciano could see he was wearing the same as the elder one, including the mask. The Italian stood up as the man in white started speaking some announcements. He pushed through the crowd to get a closer look at the two men, but mainly the blond. He just seemed interesting to the Italian. Once he got to the bottom of the steps, in front of some people in the crowd, Feliciano smiled as the two Princes made their way down the steps. Gilbert looking as if he was the king, and Ludwig looking like a well mannered prince. The crowd stepped back to make space to the two men but Feliciano just stood there spaced out, and staring at the blonde Germans face.

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