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Feliciano smiled as he walked outside to meet his Grandpa with a cat in his arms. "Set the cat down over there" the Roman instructed pointing at a spot next to some tomatoes. Feliciano nodded and set the cat down before backing up to his Grandpa. "Okay, now turn around, I want this to be a suprise" he said smiling. Feliciano nodded and turned around, a flash of light came from behind him and he had to resist the urge to turn around and look. After the flashing stopped Feliciano felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked at the older man. "Can I look now?" The Roman nodded and Feliciano turned around. He smiled and stare at what is now a tomato carriage and and a big cat. The carriage was a shiny and rich bright red, with the wheels and cats harness a healthy green. As for the cat, it was merely made a bigger size, but it looked far from scary. "Oh mio dio... Nonno this is amazing! Grazie!" He exclaimed. Feli hugged the elder man and rushed up to the carriage putting his mask on. Opening the door he looked back at his Grandpa, "Grazie Nonno!!" Feli repeated as he took his seat and closed the door. He leaned out the window and waved, "Bye Grandpa! Thank you for everything!!" He said as the cat started to walk. "Bye Feli! Have a good time!" The Roman smiled and waved back as Feliciano left. ".....I feel like I forgot to tell him something...Oh well I guess it didn't matter!" The older man said as he disappeared.

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