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Ludwig couldn't believe what he had just saw, remembering the others smile, laugh, stories, he couldn't believe Feli was just an ash covered servant. The crowd of people mumbled things to one another and soon, the room began to look emptier, and emptier, until the only people in the room was a flustered German, Drunken Prussian, And servants cleaning up the mess. "Oh mein gott" Ludwig said running out. He looked around the outside before turning towards the Greenhouse. When he saw Feliciano wasn't there, he went to the garden, if he wasn't there he had gone home and become another memory that may soon be forgotten. Luckily, he found the small Italian sobbing on the bench in front of the fountain. The moonlight illuminated his face, and made the tears shine, only making Ludwig feel a sickening twinge in his stomach. Feliciano sniffled starting to calm down, and his grip on Vene Cat loosened. At least, that was before Ludwig stepped out in front of him. The small Italian looked up at him slightly startled before tears started to form in his eyes again, "I'm sorry! I-I'll get off the castle grounds now" Feli said gripping the cat again and standing up. The German gently pushed him back onto the bench and his expression softened before seating himself next to the other. At this point, his tears have stopped. "Why did you leave?" Ludwig asked looking over at the smaller man. "I-I'm a servant.. I wasn't supposed to be there..." Feliciano said looking down at the cat in his lap, he couldn't help but to feel guilty for coming to the ball when he was told not to. "I don't care" The German said frowning. The auburn haired man looked at the blonde startled, "How could you not care?". "I couldn't care less about who you are or how you came here, The small amount of time I spent with you here made my birthday the best. But it doesn't make my life the best. I know it's probably wrong, but I love you Feliciano.... Since I first laid eyes on you, I knew there was something special about you" he spoke softly and his expression grew more, and more caring. Feliciano was in tears once more by the others words, "Oh gott why are you crying now?!" Ludwig asked looking a bit worried. "V-ve.. It's silly, but thank you... I love you too Ludwig" he smiled up at the other before being pulled into an embrace. The smaller man tensed up from the others sudden action but quickly relaxed in the blondes arms. Feli could here a mumbled "Ich leibe dich.." Come from Ludwig. Assuming it had meant what he thinks it does, he responded with a soft "Ti Amo".

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