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Feliciano had been dancing with the other for a little over 10 minutes now, he was practically embraced by the other as they both stepped in cool motions in unison. Feliciano smiled and closed his eyes, feeling the beat of the dance, before a flash of light started coming from his boots. The smaller man heard the clock strike 12, and Feliciano stopped and looked down, Ludwig did the same, letting go of Feliciano for more space. Feliciano's entire body began to flow and his eyes widened as he saw the dress clothes disappear and his old, ash covered ones come back. The crowd watched scooting away from the glowing Italian. The Blonde did the same, he backed up to the bottom of the staircase watching. When the glowing stopped Feliciano looked around, horrified, hurt, and confused about what had just happened. The cool marble floor against his bare feet sent chills up his spine, and tears swelled up in his eyes. The small Italian sprinted towards the the door and the crowd backed away and made room for his escape. His feet met concrete when he got outside and he rushed down the steps, he ran up to where his carriage was previously and stopped in his tracks from what he saw. The carriage was nothing more than a tomato again, and his cat was back at its normal size, sleeping next to it. Tears began to stream down Felicianos face, he was too far from home to go back. With nowhere else to go, he picked up his cat of which he had named 'Vene Cat' and the tomato. He walked to the Castle garden and sat on a concrete bench crying and hugging Vene cat.

GerIta (Cinderella Crossover)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin