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The two men have been talking for a a good while now, thier conversation about odd dreams was interrupted by the man in white at the top of the staircase once more and everyone fell silent. "And now, For the dance of the evening! Prince Ludwig Beilschmidt may choose one folk to have this dance with!" His voice boomed through the large room and Ludwig looked at Feliciano with a smile. The German stood and held a hand out to the Italian, "May I have this dance?" He asked. Feli felt a blush spread across his face and he nodded, he stood up walked over to the other side of the table where Ludwig was, almost immediately tripping over his own feet and falling into the big man. Ludwig catches him and helps him regain balance with a smile, as Felicaino adjusts his mask, he mumbles a soft "I'm sorry" before Ludwig nods and leads him to the middle of the ball floor. "Do you know how to dance?" Ludwig asks looking down at the other. "No" Feliciano replied looking up a bit nervously. Ludwig nods and holds Feli's hand, and places a hand on his waist. "Just follow mein lead" he says placing Feli's free hand on his chest. Feliciano blushes but listens and doesn't move it. The crowd watches and the music begins to play, The Italian looks down at his and the others feet, mimicking the motions. Right back, Left side, Right follow, Left forward, repeat. The order went through his head like a broken record, stepping on the others feet by mistake every so often. Soon enough, they where both dancing in perfect unison, it's like nothing could ever ruin this moment. The music played a mellow tune that matched with the steps of the dance, the crowed watched as both the Prince and the masked Italian both danced in the middle. It was perfect.

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