The other side

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Will's feet were submerged in water, a peaceful river flowing around them. He threw in his fishing rod, patiently waiting for bait to catch on. The water moved steadily, the sound of nature filling his ears and making his mind quiet. Right next to him stood a young apprentice, a hunter who was very keen on learning how to fish.

Abigail was alive. In his mind, at least. There, she could do so many things she was robbed of in reality.

"I told you it's similar to hunting." - He spoke as the rod finally started to move.

"It is. It's very fun, actually." - Abigail smiled.

"I wish your father thaught you this kind of hunting instead of...whatever he did."

"Thankfully, I have you."

"But you know I can't spend that much time with you. Reality keeps interfering." - He sighed.

"Speaking of reality... Don't you think it's time you go back there?"

"Whether I'm here or there, I keep remembering things... Those memories just pull me back into my mind."

"Did you finally remember what Eliana told you the night she came to your house?" - Abigail raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." - Will clenched his fist, "I remember all of it."

"Then... You also must remember how you kissed her?" - Her lips formed a teasing smile.

"I do." - Will looked down, blushing slightly, "That may have been wrong."

"Why would it be? You clearly have feelings for her."

"Maybe I just... searched for stability. I had gotten so unstable such advancements seemed like the only way out."

"I don't think so." - Abigail squinted, "You could've done that to anyone else. There's a reason she makes you feel stable."

"...Maybe there is." - Will said with a pause.

Their little conversation was interrupted by a voice calling from the other side, eagerly trying to get to him. With that, Will was forcefully pulled out of the blissfulness of his mind.

"Will. Hello?"

"Hello, Jack."

Will opened his eyes as a dark cell swam into vision. For almost a month now, he had been inside the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, accused of murder. The charges included murders of Cassie Boyle, Georgia Madchen, Dr. Donald Sutcliffe, Marissa Schurr, and Abigail Hobbs. Although a possible death sentance awaited, Will was calmer then ever before. His clouded mind finally cleared, making him see the truth as it was. Finally, he was sure of who he was. Not a killer whose mind hanged by the tread of insanity, but a man who was set up.

"It's really not looking good for you, Will. Death penalty is the most probable option if you don't confess." - Jack spoke with a sad look, "Are you still gonna act like this?"

"What do you want me to do, Jack? Confess for a crime I didn't commit?" - Will remained seated, looking at the wall in front of him. "I already told you who did all of this to me. The man you should be investigating is Hannibal Lecter."

"This, again?" - Jack shook his head.

"Yes, Jack, this again." - Will raised his voice, getting closer to the bars, "But what you REALLY should be doing is looking for Eliana. She's gonna die, and it's gonna be on you."

"There's no proof anyone took her. She probably couldn't take the pressure anymore, packed her stuff and moved away."

"That's your theory? Kinda disappointing of The Guru." - Will's face darkened, eyes seeping with rage, "The one who took her is Hannibal Lecter. Deep down, you believe me."

"Even if he is a killer, like you claim, why would he take her?"

"Because she figured it out. She went to find him. I couldn't remember before, now I do... She came to me and told me about it."

Jack's face turned into a puzzled frown. "So why did she go alone?"

"Because..." - He paused, eyeing his surroundings, "It would be better to talk about it somewhere more private."

"Huh." - Jack scoffed, "So the only thing I can take from that is you were the last one to see her."

"You serious, Jack?" - Will frowned in disgust, "You know damn well I'd never do anything to her."

"The only thing I know is what I have PROOF of. And since you keep insisting on this madness, I can't help you." - Jack shook his head, starting to slowly turn around.

Will watched him walk away, adding one last thing. "Forget about whether I'm guilty! Just PLEASE look for Eliana!"

As Jack gave no response, and no sign of doubt in Hannibal, he sat back down in frustration, seeking peace in the river inside his mind. Fishing with Abigail couldn't go on for long, as more memories from the last few months started coming back.

Even as he kept his eyes opened, he could see a giant stag walking around the prison block, getting closer and closer. Only now the stag took on an appearance of a man, horns coming out of the top of his head. The stag that looked like a man plauged Will's thoughts and dreams, trying to break into his cell relentlessly.

Will wasn't aware of how much time had passed or how long he'd been inside his head, but now the man stood right in front of him, speaking ever so coldly.

"Hello, Will. How are you doing?" - Hannibal pulled out a chair, sitting on the opposite side of the bars.

"Just great, doctor Lecter." - Will anwsered sarcastically.

"No need to be hostile. I'm here to talk if you want to. I just want you to get better, because I consider you a friend."

"Even after I held you at gunpoint?" - Will scoffed.

"Yes." - Hannibal frowned sadly, "You weren't in the right state of mind. So I forgive you."

"How long will you keep up the pretense?" - Will walked up to the bars, speaking in a low, dangerous voice. "Because I keep remembering... More... And more."

"Then have you remembered what you did to Abigail's body?"

"Shut up!" - Will yelled, hitting the door with his fist, "How dare you speak of Abigail?"

"Will, how much longer will you keep living in delusions?" - Hannibal's eyebrows turned to a sad expression, but his voice remained monotone. "You need to face the truth."

"No." - Will shook his head violently, "You need to face trial. One way or another."

"So, you're threatening to kill me?"

"No. I can't kill you. You're the only one who knows where Eliana is. She's alive, isn't she?"

"I don't know where Eliana is." - Hannibal sighed, "You know I miss her, too."

Will's expression turned into a crooked laugh, echoing through the quietness of the cell block. "Even in this darkness I can see that bruise on your cheek. She give you that?"

"I can't speak with you like this. But call me if you change your mind. You know I'll always come." - Hannibal got up from the chair, preparing to leave.

"Yeah, sure. And you call me if you decide to tell me what you did to Eliana." - Will added sarcastically, "Unless... She gets you first."


Author's note: I needed a bit of Will's POV and the prison atmosphere. I almost forgot how much I love writing him :)

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