Chapter 14

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I trembled.

I was nervous and afraid of what the reactions of Sakura-chan, Ino-chan, and the rest would be, but I was overwhelmed by what just happened, so I just hoped for the best.

Naruto-kun, who seemed to notice my quivering, squeezed my hand in worry. My heart fluttered.

I tentatively but reassuringly squeezed back, hoping my message would get from me to him.

He then looked at me in response, a look of excitement and nervousness in his eyes.

He's feeling the same way I am, I thought, and smiled.

As we neared the classroom door, I took in a deep breath.

"You ready?" whispered Naruto-kun.

I nodded.

We walked inside the classroom holding hands. People seemed to be sending strange, confused looks at us.

The class looked at me, then Naruto-kun, then me again. Their faces contorted into an array of different expressions.

The class suddenly erupted in loud cheers.

I winced at the volume, feeling ringing inside my ears. Naruto-kun didn't seem fazed at all.




The voices repeatedly screamed the same phrases over and over.

"Naruhina?" questioned Naruto-kun.

Faces stared at him, squealed a bit, then stared again.

"It's a ship name we made up for you guys!" someone shouted in response.

My face flushed. Naruto-kun's turned red as well.

"H-Huh?" I stuttered, confused.

"We shipped you guys ever since middle school!" someone else yelled.

"And the ship sailed!"


The class erupted in shouts and cheers again while Naruto-kun and I awkwardly stumbled into our own seats.

"QUIET!" bellowed Kakashi-sensei.

The class eventually quieted down.

"I'm happy for you two," suddenly spoke Kakashi-sensei, eye-smiling at me and Naruto-kun.

Kakashi-sensei too!?

I slid down my seat, hands covering my face.

Kakashi-sensei then went on to teach the lesson.

"Psst," whispered Ino-chan, a sinister smirk growing on her face. "What happened?"

I gulped. "I'll tell on paper," I whispered back. Sakura-chan nodded eagerly.

I ripped a sheet of paper from the back of my notebook, and wrote:

Naruto-kun took me to the roof of the school building during lunch. There he asked me if I was kidnapped. I responded yes. He then sorta kissed me, and confessed to me that he liked me. Me, being the Hinata I am, kinda started crying a bit (no details needed for that) and confessed back. Then we had...a bit of a makeout session...and he brought me back here.

I folded the note over and over until it was the size of my thumb, and wearily passed it over to Sakura-chan.

I sweat buckets, trembling, nervous about their reactions.

An Unknown Kiss: A Naruhina FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now