Chapter 3

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"Eryx!" Davian calls running up to me as I'm modding my bow, attaching the scope I'll need for this mission.

"Yeah?" I ask, lowering the bow. I've been fed up with him. He's been worse with his flirting since that day in the house. A couple of months of nonstop trying to convince me to date or have sex with him. I don't even know which, nor do I care. I've had it with his behavior, so has the team. He smiles flirtatiously as he stops in front of me and I raise my eyebrow.

"I was just thinking after this mission maybe you'd want to watch a movie?" He asks, his eyes shining with hope.

"That's a thought," I say, crossing my arms, "Why would I want to do that?"

"I just," He starts, then changes his mind, "You've just been like super uptight."

"And?" I force my voice to stay calm. He just wants sex. Even after what he did to me.

"Basically Eryx," He admits, "I want to fuck again."

"No. I'm not your prostitute," My voice is ice as my skin crackles with anger and power.

"But I could make everything go away," He steps closer and his hand reaches towards my waistline. I side step it. A thin sheet of the table top traps him against the table as I weave my power into it. The table bends easily to my will. He struggles and I tilt my head. He cusses as the metal tightens. I step back and grab an arrow from my sheath. The sharp point presses into his neck as I hiss, "Come close to me again, Davian. I'll cut your dick off."

"Hey!" Kali shouts at us, but I don't move. An emptiness filling me. The metal tightens on his wrist more. I dig my arrow in deeper and a drop of blood runs down his neck as I lean into Davian's ear and whisper, voice coming out empty, "I'll chop it off and force it down your throat so you understand how it feels to have sex forced on you."

He swallows and I feel nothing as I tighten the band more on his arm. He screams as something snaps. Kali's mind slices into me with ease, Let go, Eryx. Let him go. I jerk back from him physically and mentally as his mind is cold against my emptiness. Kali's hand is wrapped around mine, but he physically wasn't strong enough to lower the arrow without endangering Davian. I slide the arrow back into my quiver and step back. I sink my power into the metal around Davian's wrist and unlatch it. Kali grabs my arm and yanks me away from the table and Davian.

"What the fuck was that?" Kali asks, his mismatched eyes burn into my blue. They aren't angry, just surprise gleams through the silver and a slight pride shines in the red.

"I'm fucking sick of him," I snap, "I'm sick of him trying to have sex with me again. I've said no a fucking million times. He needed to be shown no."

Kali blinks and runs his hands through his hair. He is torn. I can see it, I just attacked a team member right before a mission, but I was standing up for myself. He sighs and says, "Stay away from him for the day please. Far away."

I just nod and turn back to the table. Alita is at Davian's side, checking the wrist. As I walk up, Davian's eyes meet mine with gold fury. I grab my bow and walk off, not saying a word.

"Hey, Aliah," Kali asks, through comms, "Did you get the cameras down?"

"Working on it right now," Alita responds, her voice coming clear into my ear.

I'm sitting on a cliff across from the building we're raiding. Sight aimed in on Kali. He's meeting the leader of the trafficking ring, disguised as a business partner we implanted into his system and calendar. Davian says into his line, "There's thirty-seven guards total: fifteen stationed between the girls' floor and Alpha's, five with the ring leader, and the rest tending to the girls."

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