Chapter 8

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I'm playing the guitar when Zyon walks through the door. He smiles at me and I set the guitar down.

I say, "How was it?"

"Well it's safe to say Davian is still pissed at me, but he's finally mended enough for the challenge," Zyon says, "Satan ruled that it's opened. Davian chooses his opponent and weapon that day."

"You mean tomorrow," I say. Zyon nods. I ask, "Who do you think Davian will choose?"

"Not Kali," Zyon grins, the sobers, "Probably me thinking I'll go easy on him."

"You almost beat Kali," I say, "There's no way he thinks he can win."

"Danger, you beat me," Zyon laughs, "I'm the easiest prey."

"You're not prey," I hiss and then drop into a normal voice, "He wasn't there for that though."

"I'm still probably the only one who would go easy on him," Zyon shrugs.

"Will you?" I ask, standing. My wings stretch as I raise my arms above my head. Zyon doesn't reply, staring at me. Gold eyes rake up my body. I shiver at the color, the gold darkening to that dark gold that he gets when he's thinking of things that are less than holy. His gold eyes meet mine and my skin heats. We never did anything in the week we had after Kali and Atlas left. We still haven't given into that feeling that crawls beneath our skin. Somehow that's made it worse, as if denying it is the wrong thing to do. His is more intense, I can see it in the way his eyes darken. It's a carnal drive, one that's pulling him to me even now. As if whatever it is needs me beyond even rational thought. His eyes stay dark as he stares into my eyes. I wonder what he sees there in the blue. My breathing shakes as I say, "Zy, I asked a question."

He shakes his head and his eyes return to that light gold, "Sorry, what?"

"Will you go easy on Davian?" I head to the coffee machine and grab a cup. I glance at him as I sip the coffee.

He sighs and says, "I'm not actually sure. I'd like to say something about knowing which side I'm on, but how am I supposed to choose between my family and my love?"

"I'm not sure," I whisper, "I'm certainly not the person to ask, if we're being honest."

"Speaking of that, has Atlas asked about your family to his parents yet?" Zyon glances at me as he pulls out his journal, sitting on the bed.

"No," I answer, "He asked for photos of me when I was younger and now."

"Do you have photos from when you were younger?"

"No," I say, "Not really."

"So what did you send him?" Zyon glances at me.

"My social media," I shrug.

"No," Zyon's jaw drops, "He's gay!"

"And?" I raise my eyebrows.

"And your posts are... like... hot," Zyon blushes.

My wings flare out a little at the compliment. I say, "But why does that matter?"

"Because you're mine," Zyon's voice drips with possessive edge. I grin and tip his chin up and press a light kiss to his lips. I pull back and whisper, "Yes. I am, Zy. All yours."

He smiles and blush stains his cheeks as he pushes his glasses up. He got them fixed a few days ago, but half blind Zyon was cute. He whispers, voice edging with nerves, "So I wrote a poem the other day, I'm kinda in love with it. Do you want to read it?"

"Yes," I reply, "Yes, I want to read every poem you've ever written. Especially the ones that ripped your heart out to write."

He hands me the journal opened to a page. I take it and read:

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