Chapter 11

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"How do you feel?" Remiel asks, "Does it fit?"

"It fits," I say, glancing at my reflection, "It fits, but it doesn't feel right."

"It looks good on you," Emerald smiles. Remiel's Erosen is beautiful, but strangely familiar. her brown hair and eyes and tan skin bring a sense of recognition, but I can't place it.

"Blue and gold?" I arch an eyebrow, "I know I look good in blue, but gold?"

"Gold suits you," Emerald grins and spins me to her. Fixing the intricate lapel. I shift uncomfortably and she says, gesturing back to the mirror, "You are the Prince of Angels, not only that but you also have the gift of Golden Flame. The ability to wield it as you have is not granted to every Heir. You're powerful, Eryx, and now you reflect that power."

I stare at the man she sees. Power drips from him, from the suit. A cobalt blue jacket hugs the curves of his arms snugly, however the material allows movement with every bend and twist, a borne-fighter uniform. Delicate embellishments adorn the sleeves with intricate golden swirls. Thin golden straps fit tightly against his chest, a darker sapphire blue between the gold cords. It's paired with a set of fitted white pants. On both feet, black boots plastered themselves up to his mid-shin. Matching gold details danced in the blank canvas making the Prince look more regal than ever. He is every inch what everyone wants him to be, but is the mirror reflecting who I actually am?

"Yes," Atlas walks into the room. He grins as I whirl to him, "Good luck keeping me out, Princeling."

"Hey," I grinning back, "How is it looking out there?"

"Fucking delicious. The Royals all look stunning," He blushes fiercely and then says, "Are you ready?"
"Are you?" I arch an eyebrow, "Kali is going to kill you for looking at anyone, but him."

"I don't think anyone will be looking at anyone else when Kali is there," He says, smiling, "Shall we?"

"Yes," I let him lead me from the room. Gabriel and Emerald have already disappeared into the crowd. Atlas leads me through a hallway and I'm greeted with big doors. Atlas turns to me and says, "Remember who you are, Eryx. They'll want you to forget, but remember who and what you are. Do not let them see you beg for their love."

"I will not beg," I nod and the doors push open. I walk through the door following Atlas down the aisle. I feel the golden fire stir inside of me.The whispering starts at the sight of me. I turn my face to stone as I force myself not to care in front of a room who would tear me apart at the first sign of weakness. I walk down the aisle, careful to not find Zyon's eyes. I'll lose this cold, uncaring shell if I see him. The whispering turns to murmurs as I approach the dais. My gaze finds Satan and Asura, who sit regally on their throne. Asura seems loose and still has a warmth in her eyes that Satan has lost. It's as if she has been sitting upon thrones her entire life. A queen since the beginning. Satan, however, looks like he'd rather be anywhere else at the moment. His face is bored and cold, a dangerous counterpart to the queen beside him. I bow my head in respect for them. Satan stands fluidly as I finish the three steps up to the thrones. He says, voice ringing in the silent room, "Our first order of business is the restoration of a bloodline. In a challenge to amend crimes against his family, Eryx Demiurgos earned his family's name back honorably. I hereby reinstate the Demiurgos household and bloodline. From this moment on, the name is no longer erased from history and the bloodline will no longer be shamed. Restored to full power with Eryx Demiurgos as the head of house."

Several angels cheer and Satan turns to Asura, who is standing holding a scabbard. Satan takes it from her and says, "This sword belonged to Michael Demiurgos, the father of Eryx. I falsely claimed the sword after the war as if it were my own. I now present it to the rightful owner and family."

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