𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 - get out of my room

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As I was waking up in my bed, I took in the fresh scent of food from downstairs

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As I was waking up in my bed, I took in the fresh scent of food from downstairs. The sound of sizzling and cutlery clinking added to the atmosphere. I stretched my arms and legs as I roused from my sleep.

As I got out of bed, I decided to stop by Rina's room to say good morning. When I entered, Rina was not there.

Once I left Rina's room, i decided to check on Rick next. Despite our rocky start the previous night, I thought it might be good to try to be nice to him once again. I hesitate before opening the door, taking a deep breath, and slowly pushed it open.


"Where are they?" I said to myself.

Wait his room smell good.

Walking a little further inside my curiosity grew, I decided to take a look around Rick's room.

Rick's room was a reflection of his personality and interests. Against one wall was his gaming set-up, complete with a gaming chair and a large TV screen. A small closet stood opposite the gaming room, housing his collection of trendy good looking clothes. On the other side of the room, a comfortable king-size bed took center stage, while a set of shelves displayed a collection of vinyl records. Above the bed was a large, framed wall print of Rick's favorite band.

After walking around my curiosity peaked, I decided to take a look inside one
of Rick's drawers. To my surprise, I found lotion and a magazine with a
very explicit picture of a naked woman.

Not one but Multiple magazines.

Definitely not weird at all.


"interesting." I say closing the drawer shut.

As my eyes skimmed over Rick's room, they landed on a picture frame that caught my attention. It was a picture of Rick and his sister Rina as children, along with another boy.

"What the hell are you doing in my room." Rick voice harsh.

Rick's voice boomed from behind, startling me as I spun around to face him. His tall, muscular frame towered over my 5'8 self.

As Rick quickly tried to hide the picture frame from my view by tilting it down on his desk, I couldn't help but notice the veins on his arm. They seemed to be more prominent now.

Damn, Why does this rude boy got to be so attractive?

"Did you fucking hear me?!
What are you doing in my room Kinsley." He said angry.

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