Everyone distracted part 1

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(Emily and Michelle are watching the dancers rehearsing the choreography for regionals)
Emily TH : this dance is a mess, the dancers are not connected at all
Piper TH : I'm so distracted with Amy right now I can't even concentrate
Maisie TH : the dance looks so messy
(Finn drops Amy on the floor)
Amy : ow what are you doing ?!
Finn : sorry I slipped
(Millie accidentally trips Izzy up and Izzy falls into Daisy)
Daisy : oh hey
Izzy : hey
Izzy TH : that was a bit close
Emily : what is this ?
Michelle : I don't know even know
Emily : ok guys stop ! , ok that was umm interesting , a lot of work needs to be done
Maisie : how is this gonna work ? , I mean where's Riley gone ?
Richelle : yeah exactly where's Riley ?
Emily : umm Riley is in London
Maisie : what London !
Daisy TH : how can Riley to leave the team when we need her
Emily : don't worry everything is under control
(Piper runs into Amy)
Piper : Amy please don't ignore me
Amy : just leave me alone piper
Michelle : we need to do something about this ?
Emily : yeah
Michelle : ok guys we have an idea how about tonight we all have a sleepover in studio A !
Jacquie : a sleepover ?
Richelle TH : we're not five
Emily : it's either that or you can dance till 3 in the morning if you want
Kingston : nope I'm good
Finn : yep same
Emily : well then we will see you back in the studio tonight
Izzy TH : this sleepover gives me a good time to find out what's going on with me and daisy
(Izzy goes over to Daisy)
Izzy : hey
Daisy : oh hey
Izzy : we were kinda close in the dance today
Daisy : yeah we were
Izzy : it kinda felt like we were gonna kiss
Daisy : yeah..
(Izzy tries to kiss Daisy but Daisy pulls away)
Izzy : oh I'm sorry
Daisy : no it's ok
Izzy : umm I'll just see you later
Daisy : yeah see ya
Daisy TH : everything is just so awkward
(Later that night)
Michelle : ok guys welcome to the sleepover
Emily : yeah Michelle umm I think they know what a sleepover is , so I have assigned you sharing partners for the night
(B troupe walk in)
Daisy : umm what's going on ?
Emily : oh we thought to invite B troupe as well it would only be fair
Daisy : right
Michelle : right so the sleeping arrangements are Richelle and Jacquie
Richelle TH : I'm happy with that
Jacquie TH : oh I'm very happy with that
Michelle : Henry and Freya
Henry : oh nice
Freya : ok
Henry TH : it's gonna be nice to get to know Freya
Freya TH : this is gonna be fun
Michelle : Finn and Rubie
Finn TH : I'm actually happy with that
Rubie TH : I guess he's not the worst person to be paired with
Michelle : Finley and summer
Finley TH : summer is so beautiful i mean umm yeah I'm happy
Summer TH : this is gonna be fun
Michelle : Maisie and Scarlett
Maisie TH : I'm happy
Scarlett TH : this is gonna be fun
Michelle : Noah and Ozzy
Noah TH : I don't mind being paired with Ozzy
Ozzy TH : this might be fun
Michelle : Tali and Millie
Tali TH : I'm happy
Millie TH : I'm so happy to share with Tali
Michelle : Piper and Amy
Piper TH : oh boy
Amy TH : great
Michelle : Kingston and Macy
Kingston TH : she's a nice girl I don't mind that
Macy TH : this will be fun
Michelle : Izzy and Carrie
Izzy TH : this is gonna be fun
Carrie TH : I can't wait
Michelle : and Poppy and Daisy
Daisy TH : of course it would be
Poppy TH : this is gonna be awkward
Michelle : but right now guys just chat and have some fun and get some food
Piper : so do you want a drink ?
Amy : nope
Piper : so are we just gonna sit in silence ?
Amy : yeah I guess so
Piper TH : this is gonna be a long night
Daisy : so
Poppy : so how's your solo going ?
Daisy : yeah alright
Poppy : good
Izzy TH : I wish I got a chance to share with Daisy tonight
Izzy : so have you learnt any new moves ?
Carrie : yeah I have actually
(Carrie shows Izzy a move)
Izzy : oh so cool
(Daisy looks over and sees Izzy and Carrie laughing together)
Daisy TH : i wish i was sharing with Izzy
Piper : Amy this is ridiculous , why can't we just talk
Amy : because I haven't figured my feelings out yet
Piper : so do you like me ?
Amy : yeah I do
Piper : as more than a friend ?
Amy : yeah
Piper : I like you too
Amy : wait really ?
Piper : yeah
(Amy and piper look at each other then look away)
(Amy looks down and smiles)
Amy TH : it feels like a massive weight of my shoulders for piper to know how i feel
Piper TH : I'm glad me and Amy can talk again
Finn : do you wanna see something ?
Rubie : umm sure
Finn : big fish little fish cardboard
Rubie : oh nice
Rubie TH : I don't wanna be sharing with Finn I wanna be in a bed with Freya
(Rubie looks over at Freya)
Finn : I'm trying to make you laugh
Rubie : ha ha
Finn : that was fake
Rubie : it wasn't
Finn : it so was
(Finn starts flirting with Rubie)
Freya : she's not even looking at me , what does it mean ?
Henry : I don't know
(Henry is finger tutting)
Freya : umm can you not do that , I'm trying to stay focused
Henry : just go and talk to her
Freya : no why would I do that , look he's making her laugh
Henry : so
Freya : make me laugh
Henry : I don't want to , I just want to lie here
Freya : helpful
Freya : come on get up
(Freya drags Henry up)
Henry TH : why do I always get dragged into these situations
(Freya and Henry go over to Rubie and Finn)
Freya : oh Henry don't you just love my hair
Henry : umm
Freya : didn't you say it was like the sun
Henry : I mean your hair is brown so
(Freya kicks Henry)
Henry : oh yep yep oh your hair is like the sun
Rubie TH : why are they flirting
Freya : oh hey Rubie , hi Finn I didn't see you there
Finn : I'm Finn
Freya : yeah I know
Rubie : hey
Freya : oh me and Henry were just laughing a lot we like to laugh together
Henry : yeah totally
(Henry goes back to lie down)
Freya : aww poor little Henry wenry he's tired
Rubie : yeah..
Freya : I should go give him a cuddle bye
Rubie : yeah see ya
Rubie : what was that , did you hear that ?
Finn : yeah totally was listening to you flirting
Rubie : no I wasn't flirting , ugh never mind
(Izzy goes over to Daisy)
Izzy : hey do you wanna dance ?
Daisy : umm sure
(Izzy and Daisy dance together)
(Poppy looks away)
(Macy goes over to Poppy)
Macy : hey
Poppy : hey you alright ?
Macy : yeah this sleepover was a great idea
Poppy : yeah it was
Macy : Daisy looks so happy doesn't she
Poppy : yeah yeah she does
Macy : I'm gonna go and talk to the girls
Poppy : yeah ok bye
Finn : guys let's play pass the parcel !
Piper : what ?
Kingston : pass the parcel
(Everyone sits in a circle)
Richelle TH : there's no way I'm going in that circle
Jacquie : come on
Richelle : no
Jacquie : Richelle
Richelle : oh fine
(Richelle sits down)
(Everyone plays pass the parcel it lands on Rubie)
Finn : open it open it !
(Rubie opens the parcel)
Rubie : it's a pen
Finn : yeah great isn't it
Rubie : yeah..
(Freya laughs)
Rubie : what's so funny ?
Freya : oh no nothing
Rubie TH : well i guess if it made Freya laugh then I don't mind
(The parcel lands on Richelle)
Richelle : oh what's this gonna be a pencil , a ring ?
(Jacquie gets up)
Jacquie : Richelle , you might be crazy but I love you and I can't see myself being with anyone else , so Richelle will you marry me ?
Richelle TH : wait what is this actually happening right now
(Everyone looks shocked)
Richelle : yeah of course I will
Jacquie : great
(Richelle kisses Jacquie)
(Everyone cheers)
Richelle : did you set that up ?
Jacquie : maybe
Richelle : I love you
Jacquie : I love you too
(Scarlett runs over to Richelle and hugs her and so does Maisie)
Scarlett : I'm so happy for you
Richelle : thanks
Closing titles

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