Your not taking him that easily

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(George kicks the wall and throws his bag)
Maisie : George ?
(Maisie goes over to George)
Maisie : what's going on ?
George : Kingston stole Finley from me
Maisie : what why ?
George : I sent Finley this note and I was about to tell Finley it was me who wrote it and then Kingston went in there and said it was him
Maisie : I don't get why he would do that though
George : he's onto us Mais
Maisie : but we didn't do anything to him
George : we didn't but someone else did
Maisie : Noah..
Maisie : ok look don't worry about this ok your not gonna lose Finley , I'll sort this
(George hugs Maisie)
Tali : Maisie
Maisie : not now Tal I've got to sort something out
Tali : wait
Maisie : what ?
Tali : I need to tell you something
Maisie : can't it wait
Tali : Maisie I can't feel it
Maisie : feel what ?
Tali : the baby I can't feel it
Maisie : what ? , ok maybe it's just moved positions
Tali : Maisie , I would of felt it move
Maisie : ok Tal look ok breathe ok , we will go to hospital and get you checked
Tali : ok
Maisie TH : I know I said I'd help George but Tali is important right now
(Maisie goes to the hospital with Tali)
Tali : I'm so nervous
Maisie : hey I'm sure it will be ok , your strong ok
Tali : yeah
Doctor : Tali 
Tali : yeah
Doctor : come in
Doctor : so what's the problem ?
Tali : I haven't felt the baby move
Doctor : ok so your 13 weeks pregnant we will get an ultrasound done now
Tali : ok
(Maisie holds Tali's hand)
Maisie : it will be alright
Tali : yeah
(George goes over to Kingston)
George : I know what your doing and it won't work Finley would never believe that note was from you
Kingston : oh George just give it up, I'm a good dancer , you can barely dance
George : well if your such an amazing dancer then why aren't you on A troupe didn't you mess up your flip that was a shame wasn't it
Kingston : Noah took the team away from me and he needs to pay for that
George : yeah well good luck trying to get Finley , cause your gonna have to try a lot harder than that mate
(George barges Kingston)
Finley : hey George
George : oh hey you alright
Finley : yeah I got the note
George : oh yeah it was from Kingston wasn't it
Finley : no .. it was from you
George : what ?
Finley : you brighten my day who else is gonna say that
George : you knew ?
Finley : of course I knew , thanks for the note it was sweet
George : it's ok
Finley : actually I've got something for you
George : what is it ?
(Finley gives George his watch)
George : it's a watch
Finley : yeah my grandma gave it to me before she moved away , but she always told me when you find that person who's worth it and special enough to get it to them
(George smiles at Finley)
George : I'll take good care of it
Finley : I know you will
George : see you in rehearsal
Finley : yeah
(Finley kisses George on the cheek)
(George smiles as Finley walks away)
Tali : it's been ages Maisie why haven't they said anything yet
Maisie : just stay calm
Doctor : hey Tali we umm we looked at your ultrasound and umm , I'm afraid we have some bad news
Tali : what is it ?
Doctor : I'm sorry Tali I know this isn't the news you wanted to hear
Tali : it's gone isn't it ?
Doctor : you've had a miscarriage I'm so sorry
(Maisie puts her head on)
Tali : are you sure ?
Doctor : yeah there was no heartbeat on the scan
Tali : but how , how did it happen
Doctor : we don't know for sure yet but it will take some time I know , maybe you should take some time to process it
(The doctor leaves the room)
Maisie : I'm so sorry Tali
(Tali breaks down into tears on Maisie)
Tali TH : I don't know what I'm gonna do now
Closing titles

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