Theres so many things i want to say to you

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Noah : ok guys gather round today we have a return to A troupe
Richelle : Tali's back !
(Tali walks in)
Tali : hey guys
Maisie TH : oh no this is bad
Heath TH : well this is going to be interesting
Heath : hey Tali , it's great to have you back , Maisie has missed you a lot right Maisie
Maisie : umm yeah
Noah : ok well let's get warmed and start making some routines
Maisie TH : I am happy she's back I just feel weird
(George whispers to Finley)
George : she is so crushing on her right now
Finley : yeah
Noah : ok so Tali you need to catch up a bit but it's cool , why don't you guys take 5 or 10 minutes and then come back , cool
Heath : so your girlfriends back
Maisie : shut up don't say that
( Tali goes over to Maisie)
Maisie : no no Heath she's walking right towards me
Heath : I can see that
Tali : hey guys
Heath : hey
Tali : hey Maisie
Maisie : you are wearing a pink top it's umm very pink
Tali : umm yeah it is that's the colour of it
Maisie : yeah I can see that and it looks great
Tali : umm ok
Maisie TH : I need to get out of this situation
Maisie : I'll be right back
Maisie : hey Noah I just realised I have a doctors appointment in like 5 minutes so I have to leave now
Noah : oh really ? , a doctors appointment for what ?
Maisie : you know my heart
Noah : your heart I'm pretty sure the doctor said you were all good now
Maisie : yeah well it's better to be safe than sorry
Noah : well you know I could let you leave
Maisie : ok great
Noah : if you have a doctors note
Maisie : a what ?
Noah : a doctors note , you know one of the rules is if you have a doctors appointment you should have a doctors note to go with it
Maisie : yeah well I do have one but it's at home
Noah : well if it's not here then I can't let you leave
Maisie : but I
Noah : nice try cuz
Maisie TH : dang it
(Heath sees Scarlett and Jack talking)
Heath : well they seem close
Finn : yeah their friends I think
Heath : friends ?
Finn : yeah friends
Heath : oh cool cool friends , when he's stood right next to her
Finn : I mean their just having a conversation bro
Heath : yeah no no of course yeah
Finn : you good ?
Heath : yeah I'm good I'm fine great , I'll see you
Finn : yeah
(Tali goes into shakes and ladders with Millie)
Millie : so you feeling better now ?
Tali : yeah a bit just got medication to take
Millie : that's good
(Milli looks over at Millie)
Jack : hey Milli you ok ?
Milli : oh yeah it's just Tali is back and me and Millie were kinda I don't know starting to have a connection and I kinda wanted us to keep that connection
Jack : oh so you fancy Millie ?
Milli : what no I don't
Jack : yeah of course you don't
Milli : what and you fancy Scarlett
Jack : no I don't
Milli : yeah you do
(Heath walks past)
Heath TH : oh man I knew he liked Scarlett , I gotta try harder
Jack : Heath wait
Milli : oh well we can just sit here and chat
Jack : yeah great..
(Maisie is sat in the locker room having a nap)
Heath : Maisie ? , Maisie ? , hello ? , Tali
Maisie : huh what I'm awake
Heath : so what's happening
Maisie : I'm trying to avoid Tali
Heath : why ?
Maisie : because I may or may not have feelings for her
Heath : yeah well you might need to change your hiding spot
Maisie : what why ?
Heath : I think I saw Tali down the hall saying she was coming in here
Maisie : what ?
Heath : but don't worry you should go into studio 1 and stay there she will never find you there
Maisie : studio 1 ok I'll do it thanks Heath
Heath : any time I've got your back
Heath TH : now it's time for stage 2 of my plan
(Heath goes into studio A and sees Tali)
Heath : oh ow
Tali : Heath ? , are you ok ?
Heath : ahh headache pretty bad
Tali : well is there anything I can do
Heath : oh yeah maybe some water and some painkillers I think I put some in my bag in studio 1 if you could get that for me
Tali : yeah of course you just take it easy
Heath : oh I will don't worry
Maisie : oh I knew I'd be safe in here
(Tali goes into studio 1)
Tali : Maisie ?
Maisie : ahh Tali ?
Tali : what are you doing here ?
Maisie : I was umm just about to ask you the same question
Tali : umm ok Heath wanted me to get him some painkillers he has a headache or something
Maisie : oh does he now , well he will definitely have one in a minute
Tali : so what are you doing in here ?
Maisie : I was umm looking for my other shoe
Tali : but your wearing both shoes
(Maisie kicks off her trainer)
Maisie : oops where did that go ? , oh no I need to find it
Tali : well I just came to get the painkillers
Maisie : yeah
Maisie : oh look there it is my shoe , I've been looking for that all day
Tali : but you..
Maisie : oh well I gotta go bye
Tali : wait your shoe lace is undone
Maisie : oh I'll be fine
(Maisie trips over the beanbag and falls onto Tali)
(Maisie and Tali are looking into each others eyes)
Maisie : umm is it just me or are we very close right now
Tali : yeah we are..
(Maisie keeps staring at Tali)
Maisie TH : there are so many things I could say to her right now
Closing titles
Are they gonna kiss 👀

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