A troupe part 2

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(Maisie FaceTimes Tali)
Tali : hey
Maisie : hey I made A troupe
Tali : aww that's amazing
Maisie : how you feeling ?
Tali : a bit better , hopefully I get out of this place in the next few days
Maisie : yeah I miss you
Tali : I miss you too and Millie
Maisie : yeah well umm I've got to go umm I'll talk to you later
Tali : oh ok bye
(Maisie hangs up)
Maisie TH : I don't know why but that conversation kinda bothered me
Heath : hey you ready to work on our duet ?
Maisie : yeah sure
(Laura and Milli are sat on the floor)
Milli : you good ?
Laura : yeah I just no it's nothing
Milli : this wouldn't be about Freya would it ?
Laura : maybe
Milli : you wanted to work with her so you two could be like Romeo and Juliet
Laura : well not exactly that but yeah
Milli : well I'm sure you will get chance to work with her at some point but you know if we do a good duet Freya will see what a great dancer you are
Laura : she thinks I'm a good dancer ?
Milli : yeah she said that
Laura : really oh great yeah let's do this duet
Milli TH : anything to get this girl off the floor
(Heath sees Jack walk past)
Heath : hey Jack come here a sec
Jack : umm ok
Heath : I just wanted to introduce myself I'm Heath
Jack : oh nice I'm Jack
Heath ; nice to meet you and I hope we can be good friends
Jack : yeah sure bro
Jack TH : I'm not really on anyone's good side right now so it's nice that Heath is there for me
Jack : well I better go to my duet but umm I'll see you around
Heath : yeah see ya
Maisie : what was that ?
Heath : just making friends
Maisie : with Jack ?
Heath : oh come on Maisie he's sweet and he made a mistake yeah but we all move on
Maisie : yeah I guess let's do this duet
Heath TH : Maisie seems distracted but I'm gonna find out what's going on
(Kingston and Ozzy are in shakes and ladders)
Kingston : I knew what would happen
Ozzy : yeah that's a lot man
Kingston : what are you looking at me for ?
Ozzy : you were talking bad about Noah , he's meant to be one of our best friends
Kingston : he just kicked us off A troupe
Ozzy : you messed up your flip what did you expect
Kingston : what kind of studio head doesn't have a choreography round
Ozzy : look Noah is in charge and it's happened so just move on I am
(Ozzy walks out)
(Kingston storms out)
Millie : so you ready for the duet ?
Freya : yeah I can't wait did you see Laura looking at me though
Millie : yeah I did
Freya : she was so good in her solo I mean the turns and the flips and oh she's just amazing
Millie : yeah
Millie TH : this is gonna be a long rehearsal
Scarlett : so you got any ideas ?
Finley : I thought we could do hiphop and then go into contemporary
Scarlett : yeah sure
(Finley and Scarlett practise their duet)
Jack : right so I thought we could do a kick back into a lay out
George : umm sorry can we go over that slower
Jack : yeah sure which bit
George : umm all of it sorry it's just I'm new to it
Jack : no it's ok , I'll help you
George : thanks
(Everyone is rehearsing their duets)
Heath : looking good
Maisie : yeah
Heath : so how's Tali ?
Maisie : oh umm yeah she's alright I think
Heath : you think ?
Maisie : well I spoke to her earlier but you know it doesn't matter
Heath : hmm you missing her ?
Maisie : a bit I don't know can we just practise this duet
Heath : yeah sure
(George is struggling with the moves)
Jack : umm it's ok we can go over it again
George : ugh
Jack : hey it's ok don't worry
Finley : hey George do you need some help ?
George : it's just this move
Finley : right watch me just push that leg back and then land
(George tries the move)
Finley : see there you go you did it
George : wow I did it
Finley : yeah well done
George : thanks
George TH : I'm glad Finley was able to help me
Jack : hey Scarlett
Scarlett : oh hey
Jack : look umm we're on the same team now and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything and I hope we can be friends
Scarlett : yeah sure
Jack : great I'll see you later
Scarlett : yeah see ya
Scarlett TH : I'm glad me and Jack are good again
Milli : hey how's your duet going ?
Millie : all I've heard is Laura
Milli : oh all I've heard is Freya
Millie : their definitely meant for each other
Milli : yeah
(Millie drops her water on the floor)
Milli : oh I'll get it
(Millie bends down to get her water and Milli accidentally touches her hand)
Milli : oh sorry here's your water
Millie : thanks I umm I better get back to my duet
Milli : yeah me too see ya
Millie : see ya
Heath : ok Maisie look I want you to close your eyes and think about Tali
Maisie : what ?
Heath : just trust me
Maisie : I don't want to think about Tali
Heath : just trust me I know what I'm doing
Maisie : fine
(Maisie closes her eyes and thinks of Tali)
Heath : now dance
Maisie : what ?
Heath : just dance Maisie
Maisie : ok
(Maisie gets loads of choreography ideas)
Maisie : wow I have so many ideas right now
Heath : yeah all you need is your inspiration
Maisie : what ? , Tali ?
Heath : yeah think about Maisie you didn't have any ideas before and then when you thought about Tali all the ideas came rushing into your head , maybe it's a sign
Maisie : yeah maybe it is..
Heath : anyways let's go do our duet
Maisie : yeah duet
Maisie TH : what Heath said could be right..
Noah : alright let's see these duets
(Everyone does their duets)
Noah : wow great work guys , keep it up
(Summer goes into the office)
Summer : hey Richelle
Richelle : oh hey how's Tali doing ?
Summer : yeah she's ok , she should be out of hospital soon so that's good
Richelle : oh cool congrats on making A troupe
Summer : aww thanks
Richelle : you were always gonna be on the team we couldn't have A troupe without you
(Richelle smiles at summer)
Summer : well I was wondering if you wanted to go grab a juice with me
Richelle : I would but I've got a lot of work to do and preparations to do
Summer : yeah no of course another time
Richelle : yeah of course
Summer : oh Richelle ?
Richelle : yeah
Summer : I'm really proud of you
(Richelle smiles)
Richelle : thanks
(Heath goes over to Jack)
Heath : hey
Jack : hey
Heath : your duet was good
Jack : thanks so was yours
Heath : so umm I've got these movie tickets and I wondered if you wanted to go with me
Jack : umm I'm actually pretty tired it's been a long day I might just go home
Heath : oh ok well umm I'll catch you later then
Jack : yeah see ya
Heath : see ya
Heath TH : I wish he said yes I would of really liked to spend time with him
(George and Finley are in the studio working on stuff)
George : hey I just wanted to say thanks for helping me today
Finley : it's ok , your new to A troupe everyone struggles at time , but I know you will get it cause your an amazing dancer
George : you really think so ?
Finley : I know so I'll see you later
George : yeah see ya
(George looks back at Finley)
George TH : I'm so glad I'm on the team with Finley , he's amazing
Closing titles

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