I thought we were perfect

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Milli : Millie I'm sorry you don't deserve to the alternate
Millie : it's ok it's not your fault
Millie TH : I don't get how Noah got that note the doctor hadn't even given it to me , something is definitely going on
Noah : right guys let's go over the choreography
(Poppy turns the wrong way)
Noah : umm Poppy good but just make sure you turn the other way
Poppy : oh isn't it the right ?
Noah : yeah it's your right leg that goes out you've got your left one instead
Poppy : oh right sorry
Noah : no it's ok just make sure you do it right
Scarlett : Pop you ok ?
Poppy : yeah I'm fine
(Poppy looks down at her hands and makes an L shape)
Poppy TH : I have never told anyone about my dyslexia because I don't want me to look like a bad dancer
Noah : Poppy again it's the other leg you know what , let's take a break
(Poppy goes out of the room)
(Scarlett follows her)
Scarlett : Poppy , are you struggling with the choreography ?
Poppy : no I'm fine
Scarlett : Poppy talk to me
Poppy : look why don't you just focus on your boyfriend
Scarlett : what ?
(Poppy barges Scarlett out of the way)
Scarlett TH : I don't know why Poppy is pushing me away I care about her
(A girl walks into the studio)
Piper : hey can I help you ?
Liv : oh sorry I'm just looking for someone , I'm Liv by the way
Piper : oh piper nice to meet you
Liv : yeah you too
Piper : so who are you looking for ?
Liv : oh umm it doesn't matter their not in here anyway
Piper : wait Liv why don't you stay and watch the rehearsals
Liv : me , I'm not on the team though
Piper : it's ok do you dance ?
Liv : umm kinda
Piper : you seem kinda down are you ok ?
Liv : yeah I'm ok
Piper : well if you tell me who your looking for then I can help you
(Richelle notices Liv)
Richelle : Liv ?
Liv : oh hey Richelle
Richelle : wow I've not seen you in a long time
Liv : yeah I know
Richelle : are you looking for Scarlett ?
Liv : umm
Richelle : oh Liv come here
(Liv hugs Richelle)
Richelle : why don't we go and get a juice and we can talk
Liv : yeah
Piper : it was nice to meet you Liv
Liv : yeah you too
(Richelle and Liv go and talk)
Richelle : so how have you been ?
Liv : great..
Richelle : look I know it didn't end well between you two but you need to talk to her
Liv : she chose him after everything I did for her , she was the love of my life Richelle , we had so many plans together and Jack he ruined everything for us
Richelle : I know you loved her and a broken heart is never easy to fix
Liv : I spent years trying to get over her and I still haven't , I don't think I ever will be over her
Richelle : look Scarlett and Jack broke up
Liv : it doesn't change anything, I put her first all the time and she made me feel like an idiot
(Poppy walks in and sees Liv)
Poppy : Liv ?
Liv : oh Poppy hi
Poppy : what are you doing here ?
Liv : I just came to umm
Poppy : you came to see Scarlett didn't you ?
Liv : yeah kinda
Poppy : guessing things haven't been great then
Liv : nope , I can't get over her Poppy and I don't think I ever will
Richelle : look I've got to go and teach but umm Poppy stay with her please
Poppy : oh umm yeah sure
(Liv hugs Poppy)
Liv : I don't know what to do Poppy
Poppy : it's ok
Liv : Scarlett she was the perfect girl , she's beautiful , kind , caring and I thought we had everything
Poppy : look I've got to get to rehearsals , but umm I'll see you
Liv : oh ok
(Poppy goes into rehearsals)
Scarlett : where did you go ?
Poppy : oh just umm somewhere it doesn't matter
Scarlett : umm ok
Poppy TH : I need somehow stop Scarlett from seeing Liv because if she does then it will remind her of what she had with Liv..
Noah : right guys can we stay focussed and go over the choreography
Macy : umm Scarlett there's someone here to see you
(Scarlett turns around and sees Liv)
Scarlett : Liv ?
Liv : Scarlett
Scarlett TH : I did not expect her to be here
Closing titles

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