Something changed inside of me

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Macy : Poppy I need to tell you something
Poppy : yeah what's up ?
Macy : I only like girls
Poppy : oh right
Macy : you ok ?
Poppy : yeah no that's umm great you know I'm proud of you you know for coming out , it's not easy
Macy : no it's not but I'm glad I can trust you and I feel like myself now
Poppy : yeah
(Macy holds poppy's hand)
Poppy : umm I'll be back soon I just need to go and see Scarlett
Macy : oh ok I love you
Poppy : yeah I love you too
(Richelle and Jacquie are talking)
Richelle : how have I managed to mess up again
Jacquie : hey you haven't messed up anything ok , Scarlett will come round
Richelle : I should never of hung up on her , I should of listened to her
Jacquie : look we all make mistakes Richelle but Scarlett she's gonna get through this and your gonna be ok
Richelle : I miss you being around
Jacquie : I miss you too
(Richelle holds jacquies hand)
Richelle TH : I'm glad me and Jacquie are ok again
(Poppy goes to the hospital to see Scarlett)
Poppy : hey
Scarlett : hey
Poppy : how are you feeling ?
Scarlett : great
Poppy : I know stupid question
Scarlett : I just want to get out of here
Poppy : well I did try
Scarlett : you can't just take me out like that
Poppy : I know and I'm sorry , I shouldn't of done what I did
Scarlett : it's fine
Poppy : so are you getting better then ?
Scarlett : yeah of course I am , I'll be back in the studio in no time
Poppy : yeah well you've always been able to bounce back up
Scarlett : yeah and I will keep doing it
(Poppy smiles at Scarlett)
Scarlett : so how's your wedding plan going ?
Poppy : oh umm yeah it's alright we haven't really done much for it though yet just trying to focus on nationals
Scarlett : yeah I wish everyone would
Poppy : it wasn't your fault this happened to you
Scarlett : no but I shouldn't of been arguing with Richelle
Poppy : about what ?
Scarlett : Liv she asked me to move away with her after nationals start fresh
Poppy : wait what ?
Scarlett : yeah
Poppy : and what did you say ?
Scarlett : well I didn't give her an answer
Poppy : well do you want to go with her ?
Scarlett : I don't know pop
Poppy : you know Liv's not the only girl you've got here
Scarlett : really who else have I got ?
(Poppy holds Scarlett's hand)
Poppy : I umm I should go to rehearsals
Scarlett : yeah see ya
Poppy : see ya
(Back in the studio)
Noah : James can I ask you for a favour ?
James : yeah course what's up ?
Noah : I need you to stick around for a bit
James : why , do you want me to teach a class or something ?
Noah : no well kinda , well with Richelle still recovering from her injuries I thought maybe you could be the head choreographer for the studio if you want to ?
James : yeah of course I love working with you
Noah : that's good cause I've got loads of ideas
(Tali and Maisie are talking)
Maisie : so are you auditioning for the female solo ?
Tali : yeah are you ?
Maisie : I don't know maybe
Tali : you should you would smash it
Maisie : aww thanks Macy is really good though , Macy deserves to get the solo as well
Tali : yeah
(Kingston listens to the conversation)
Kingston : alright your first task is to stop Macy from getting that solo
Phoebe : what's Macy got to do with this ? , Macy deserves the solo
Kingston : do you wanna help me or not ?
Phoebe : yes
Kingston : good so make sure Macy doesn't get it
Phoebe : but I
Phoebe TH : I feel horrible already for having to do this Macy deserves the solo but I'm gonna help the team then I have to go along with Kingston
(Macy goes over to Poppy)
Macy : are you ok ?
Poppy : yeah fine why
Macy : you've been quiet ever since I told you that I was
Poppy : you don't have to say it ok
Macy : Poppy are we ok ?
Poppy : yeah I told you we're fine
Macy : and your sure your ok ?
Poppy : yeah I'm fine can we just stop talking about it
Poppy TH : I don't want to hide my feelings but I don't know how I feel right now ever since Macy told me that I felt different
Closing titles

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