Theres still feelings there part 2

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Tali : hey I thought we could spend the night together
Maisie : oh umm I can't I've already got plans
Tali : oh doing what ?
Maisie : Noah asked me and Scarlett to go to a Garla tonight to represent the team
Tali : he asked you and Scarlett ?
Maisie : yeah
Tali : why didn't you ask me and you I mean we're dating
Maisie : yeah but that doesn't matter
Tali : yeah I guess not
Maisie : you ok ?
Tali : yeah I'm fine your just going out with your ex it's fine
Maisie : oh Tal look I know what it seems but it's not , I promise I love you
Tali : I love you too
Tali TH : I trust Maisie so we're gonna be fine
(Phoebe sneaks behind Macy)
Macy : oh hey you got me there
Phoebe : yeah I got you a juice
Macy : thanks
(Rubie and Poppy are talking)
Poppy : why is she with her again
Rubie : oh Poppy just relax their probably just friends
Poppy : friends Phoebe isn't a good person
Rubie : oh if you don't stop this jealousy Poppy then your gonna lose Macy completely
(Scarlett tries her dress on for the Garla)
Maisie : oh wow I mean sorry I didn't know you were in here
Scarlett : no it's fine I was just trying it on
Maisie : well it looks great you look beautiful in it I mean great
Scarlett : thanks
Maisie : it's ok , I should probably try mine as well
Scarlett : yeah
Maisie : I'll see you tonight yeah
Scarlett : yeah
(Scarlett falls over)
Maisie : hey hey careful you ok ?
Scarlett : yeah I'm fine I just lost my balance
Scarlett TH : I wish I could tell her the truth but I can't , I can't let anyone in the team know about this
(Kingston goes over to Phoebe)
Kingston : so Macy didn't get the solo the plan worked
Phoebe : what is wrong with you !
Kingston : what ?
Phoebe : Noah kicked you off the team because you were horrible about him and you couldn't accept that he was in charge but no one else has done anything to you , Macy deserved that solo she did , and you've taken that away from her , if you were nice to Noah then you would of made the team instead of trying to tear this team apart , and if you really wanna hurt this team then leave me out of it because I quit
Kingston : if you do this Phoebe then I'll tell Macy it was you , that your the reason she didn't get that solo
Phoebe : yeah well you don't have to because I'm gonna tell her myself , find someone else to help you because you're an idiot and you really should look at yourself !
(Phoebe walks off)
(Scarlett and Maisie go to the Garla)
Maisie : wow this is actually really cool
Scarlett : yeah
Maisie : should we dance ?
Scarlett : sure
(Maisie and Scarlett dance together)
Scarlett TH : suddenly things feel perfect again whenever I'm with Maisie my worries just go away
(Phoebe goes to see Macy)
Phoebe : Macy we need to talk
Macy : yeah what's up ?
Phoebe : I really like you ok , I can't stop thinking about you and I'd do anything to be with you , your beautiful, your kind and caring an amazing dancer and you deserves that solo , because you work so hard , and Poppy well she doesn't know what she has with you , if she can't see that then you deserve better Macy you deserve someone who will actually treat you well , and if you give me a chance I will make you the happiest girl
(Macy kisses Phoebe)
Phoebe TH : I know that's not what I was supposed to tell her but I just couldn't hurt her
(Scarlett and Maisie dance together at the Garla)
(Scarlett falls down again)
Maisie : Scarlett , you've fallen twice today , are you gonna tell me the truth to what's going on ?
Scarlett : I told you it's nothing I'm fine
Maisie : Scarlett don't lie to me
Scarlett : why do you care Maisie ok your not my girlfriend anymore , I don't need to tell you anything , it's not your problem it's mine ok I can deal with it on my own !
Maisie : stop pushing everyone away , I want to help you
Scarlett : you can't help me Maisie
(Scarlett goes outside , Maisie follows her)
Maisie : Scarlett what is it ?
Scarlett : I'm dying ok..
Maisie : what ?
Scarlett : are you happy now
(Maisie hugs Scarlett)
Closing titles

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