I'm gonna get you back part 1

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(Tali and Olive are sat in shakes and ladders)
Tali sees Millie)
Tali : hey Millie
Millie : oh hey
Olive : why don't you go over and talk to her
Tali : I can't things are too complicated
Olive : look I know my sister ok and I know she cares about you still
Tali : yeah maybe but I messed up
Olive : we all make mistakes you just have to show her that you still want things to work with her
Tali : look thanks for caring olive but I can't do this right now
Olive TH : I know my sister still loves Tali and they had a good thing I mean their called Mali they have a ship name they belong together and I need to make Millie see that
(Maisie is in the studio trying to dance)
Izzy : hey what are you doing ?
Maisie : just trying to get back into shape
Izzy : are you mad , Mais you've been in hospital you need to take it easy
Maisie : I'll never get back to my best if I don't try
Izzy : I don't want you to get hurt
Maisie : why not ?
Izzy : because I care about you
Maisie : look I need a help with a move , can you help me ?
Izzy : yeah sure
Izzy TH : I do still have feelings for Maisie but I also like Ashton this is bad
(Olive goes to see Millie)
Olive : hey sis
Millie : what do you want olive ?
Olive : you and Tali need to sort things out
Millie : no we don't
Olive : she still loves you
Millie : Olive you've never had a girlfriend before you don't know how it feels !
Olive : I might not of had a girlfriend before but I do have feelings for someone
Millie : really who ?
Olive : look enough about me , Tali wants to try with you so why are you letting her walk away
Millie : look I love you sis and your sweet for trying but me and Tali were not getting back together
Olive TH : I have got to get them two back together I just have to
(In the locker room)
(Tali is packing away her stuff)
Millie : hey..
Tali : hey
Millie : so how's the baby ?
Tali : I don't know I haven't been for a scan yet
Millie : oh right
Tali : I met your sister
Millie : yeah you would have
Tali : I'm just gonna go
Millie : yeah good
(Tali leaves the room)
Olive TH : I hope my plan works
(Olive puts a bandage strap on and fake limps)
Olive : ow ow , my ankle !
Tali : omg Olive are you ok ?
Olive : I twisted my ankle it's really sore
Tali : ok grab my hand
Olive : ow ow
Millie : hey what's going on ?
Olive : oh I umm I hurt my ankle
Millie : omg are you ok ?
Olive : I think there's some pain killers in the closest
Millie : in the closest ?
Olive : yeah I think
Millie : ok
Tali : hey Millie I'll help you
Millie : I don't need help
Tali : you need someone to hold the door open there's no lock on the other side you don't wanna get locked in
(Olive listens to what Tali says)
Millie : alright fine but make it quick
(Millie and Tali go in the costume closet)
Millie : umm I don't see any pain killers in here
Tali : let me see
Millien : no Tali the door !
Tali : oh no I forgot sorry..
Millie : Olive let us out , you just have to open the door for us
(Olive puts her hand on the door handle)
Olive TH : I could open the door and they can keep ignoring each other and hating each other or I can keep them locked in and they have a chance of rekindling things hmm
Olive : I'm sorry I just remembered I've got somewhere to be bye
Millie : what how can you go anywhere your ankle !
Olive : sorry
(Olive runs off)
Millie : how can she run with a hurt ankle
Tali : Millie she's gone
Millie TH : I know exactly what's going on now and I don't like it
Tali TH : why do people always get locked in here
Closing titles

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