Meeting the competition

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(Macy and Poppy walk into the studio and see some dancers moving things around)
Macy : hey what's going on ?
Cade : oh hey Macy
Macy : what are you doing here ?
Cade : nice studio it is here
Macy : umm that wasn't my question
Cade : we just thought you might want to meet your competition for nationals
Macy ; your going to nationals ?
Cade : yeah I am
Macy : with what team
Cade : we made our own team me and the boys , and we've got a deal with nationals board
Macy : what deal ?
Cade : whoever wins nationals gets this studio
Macy : wait what ?
Cade : yeah we were seeing what we could do
Poppy : ok first of all you can't just walk into the studio without permission and two there is no such deal
Cade : yeah there is , we got this letter
(Macy looks at the letter)
Macy : what how can they do this
Cade : I don't know but don't worry if you guys win you can keep your studio and if you don't then well sorry
(The rest of A troupe walk in)
Scarlett : what's going on ?
Richelle : yeah I don't think your in my rehearsal
Noah : what's going on ?
Cade : we got this letter
Noah : let me see that whoa
Noah TH : this isn't good
(Jack sees one of the boys from the team walk in)
Jack TH : oh no
Jacob : Jack
Jack : oh Jacob hi
Jacob : long time
Jack : yeah don't talk about it
Jacob : it's good to see you , your still fit
Jack : Jacob please
Heath : you two know each other ?
Jacob : yeah he's my ex boyfriend
(Everyone looks at Jack)
Jack : what , no he's talking rubbish
Jacob : I'm not
Jack : what are they doing here
Noah : well they've been invited to the studio to rehearse with us helps the teams bond with each other before nationals
Cade : yeah we can all be friends right Macy
Macy TH : this is just great
(Cade holds hands with a boy)
Macy : wait who's that ?
Cade : oh this oh he's my boyfriend Charlie
Macy : boyfriend since when ?
Cade : a while
(Jack runs out the studio)
Heath TH : that definitely shocked me , I guess Scarlett doesn't have a chance
Heath : hey Jacob right ?
Jacob : yeah
Heath : so you dated Jack ?
Jacob : yeah
Heath : for how long ?
Jacob : about 2 years
Heath : two years that's a long time
Jacob : yeah we just clicked straight away
Heath : so he likes boys ?
Jacob : I don't know it's been 2 years he broke up with me to get with Scarlett so I don't know
Heath : Scarlett ?
Jacob : yeah she's his ex girlfriend
Heath : so they have history together ?
Jacob : yeah why do you fancy him ?
Heath : what me no of course not
Olive : guys how is this fair if we lose nationals we will lose the studio
Macy : yeah your right it's not fair
Millie : why would nationals just send a letter like that it's a bit weird
Macy : yeah it is..
(Kingston goes over to Maisie)
Kingston : hey Maisie , I heard about Tali's baby loss I'm sorry
Maisie : why would you care ?
Kingston : look I got you this gift to give to her , a little peace offering
Maisie : wow thanks
Maisie TH : there's no way I'm giving this to Tali it's gonna be a trap
(Maisie throws Kingston's present in the bin)
Tali : hey Mais , Mais stop what's that !
Maisie : oh it's just a gift from Kingston
(Tali opens the gift)
Tali : it's a teddy bear and a baby blanket , why would you throw that in the bin !
Maisie : I just thought it was
Tali : I thought you cared about me !
Maisie : I do care about you
(Tali walks off)
Maisie TH : i bet Kingston knew Tali would walk past
Milli : how's your back ?
Millie : it's a bit better I think I just pulled a muscle
Milli : well have you been taking your pills from the doctor
Millie : yeah I have , their helping so it's going away
Milli : good
Millie TH : I did injure my back during the final dance at regionals and it's been a bit sore but I've been resting it and taking my tablets so it's gonna be fine
(Kingston overhears the conversation)
(Heath goes over to Jack)
Heath : hey
Jack : what do you want ?
Heath : why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend ?
Jack : I didn't Jacob is making it up , ok it's lies , I don't like boys
Heath : you don't ?
Jack : no I don't so can we stop talking about it !
Heath : ok sorry
(Jack walks off)
Heath TH : there's definitely more to this
Maisie : hey Tali I'm sorry I threw the thing in the bin I just thought Kingston had messed with the gift
Tali : what are you talking about ?
Maisie : Kingston is mad at Noah for taking him off the team so he's trying to get back at Noah through me and George and Finley
Tali : omg that's bad , does Noah know about this
Maisie : no but I have a feeling that letter from the nationals board is Kingston and not the nationals board they wouldn't just send a letter like that
Tali : you could be right
Maisie : we need a plan though before Kingston does anything else to this team
(Millie goes into her bag to take her tablets)
Noah : hey Millie you ok ?
Millie : oh me yeah I'm fine don't worry about me
Noah : umm ok , why aren't you in rehearsals ?
Millie : oh I just had a bit of a headache and wanted a 5 minute break
Noah : ok fine 5 minutes and then come back in
Millie : ok
Millie : oh man where's my bag gone , oh great
(Millie goes back into studio A)
Millie : hey Milli have you seen my bag anywhere ?
Milli : no why ?
Millie : I was going to take my tablets and their not there my bag was gone
Milli : oh weird I haven't seen it though
Millie : oh well I can take them later
Milli : yeah I'm sure you will find it
(Maisie looks over at Millie)
Maisie TH : something is definitely going on
Noah : ok guys I need you start going full out in rehearsals we can't lose this studio ok , we need this for internationals as well when we win nationals so let's go !
Milli : Millie don't push yourself too hard
Maisie : hey everything ok you two ?
Milli : yeah fine
Millie : fine
Maisie : ok then
Richelle : Maisie no talking in rehearsals !
Maisie : oh sorry
Millie : Noah can I have a minute ?
Noah : sure
(Millie goes out of the studio and she finds her bag and she takes the tablets)
Maisie : where's Millie gone ?
Milli : oh she went to get her bag to see if she can find it anywhere
(Millie's come into the studio)
Milli : hey you ok ?
Millie : yeah I'm good
Noah : ok let's go from the top , Tali get into the right line !
Tali : sorry
Richelle : 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
Noah : ok good guys let's take a break and pick it back up again afterwards
(Millie goes into the locker room)
Millie TH : even though I've taken the tablets my back doesn't mean to be going off
(Millie starts to feel dizzy)
Millie TH : and suddenly everything just feels blurry and I feel dizzy
(Millie collapses on the floor)
(The door gets locked behind Millie)
Closing titles

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