Stop Staring, It's Rude

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Duncan P.O.V

Ever since I walked into class my senses have been acting up. Especially around that Scar guy. Something strange is happening ever since a few days ago. I just don't understand, but I do know it's something to do with him.

As I see that Scar guy walk out if class quickly when the bell rings for lunch, I quickly get up and grab my stuff and follow him to the cafeteria. As I sit with my friends, I stare at him as he pulls out his lunch and sits on the floor in a shadowy corner.

A hand waves in front of my face and makes me blink, pulling me out of my trance of watching him. As I turn to look at the owner of the hand, I see Isabel looking at me strangely with Kenny and Jenna.

"Dude, what's up with you today?," she asks me. I shake my head and look back over to the new guy and see Troy and the rest of his group surround him. As I turned to look at him so did the others and Isabel just 'oh'ed.

"Something about him just doesn't seem normal."

  " Yea, like how he wears a hoodie in like a 70-80 degrees building. Like that doesn't seem strange," Isabel jokes, hearing what I said.

As we continue watching, Troy finally steps forward and starts yelling at him. Scar looks up at him, though it looks like it's only a empty hoodie moving, and puts the rest of his lunch in his back and slowly stands. And then what surprises me, he takes off running and the rest follow the chase.

As I stand up so do the others and I look at them as they nod their heads and we take off after them.

Scarlet P.O.V

As I run and jump through the whole school, more and more of the bully's group becomes smaller and smaller. I finally stop at a dead end in a hallway.
As I press my hand against the wall and turn around at the sound of pounding footsteps, I push my back against the wall as much as I can. Staring back at my hooded face, was the bully from this morning and the lunchroom.

"Well well, who knew the new guy could have some speed and skill. To bad I'm gonna beat you down so much you won't move," he laughs and he walks slowly towards me with a fist pounding against his other hand.

"Just back off and you won't get hurt," I warn to him quietly. But I knew he heard me, because he replied VERY ticked off, hearing a warning from someone who's smaller than him.

"Me back off? From you?," he laughs as he is about a few feet away from me. The shadows of the hall covering me as I stand against the wall. "What would do to me huh? Break my bones and make them to bread?Ha pathetic!" He goes on.

I slowly raise my head as he's just 10 feet away from me." You asked for it, don't say I didn't warn you." I say as I run toward him and jump over him, grabbing his shoulders behind me and flipping him over on the ground.

I sit on his arms behind his back as his front is on the floor as I put a lock hold on him tightly. He squirms beneath me and soon stops as I am suddenly pulled off of him by two pairs of strong arms.

As I kick and fight against them as they bring me outside, suddenly they drop me hard on the ground. As I turn me head sideways, I look up to see the gym teacher and the Duncan guy with another guy behind them with two girls.

"I will not have fights staring on my watch, do you understand me!" He yells down at me.

"I didn't even sta-"

" I said do you understand me!" The teacher yells again, cutting me off.

"He really didn't Blitz, we saw the whole thing start from the cafeteria," Duncan said as he put a hand on the teachers shoulder. I hear a sigh and all of a sudden a strong arm grabs my arm and tries pulling me up.

I tare my arm away from the grip and back away. "Don't you ever touch me." I say calmly, but with hints of venom in my voice. The arm reaches out again and I growl as my nails break through my gloves and scratch the arm.

As I hear a hiss from the scratch, I look up to see Duncan holding his arm as drops of blood hit the dirt floor. As I smell the blood my senses turn on and I take off running to my home, away from the campus, not wanting to be around something... familiar like me?

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