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Wake up...

Wake up...!

Wake up...!!

Wake up!!!

Scarlet P.O.V

I shoot up with a gasp, holding my pounding and shaking chest. My eyes wide, as I look around.

It's not home. Not my room. Not where I remember being.... Remember...

I jump up from the cold wet floor looking down at my hands, waiting to see the dried up blood on my scaley fingers.

But, there is no blood. I flip my hands around rapidly, looking for any trace of the staining crimson


A sigh is released, a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I drop my clean hands, the scales moving around with a dark glint from the light in this room.

Heh, it's not even a room.

I look around this, cave, of sorts. Spinning my body slowly around as I take in every detail, till I finally see where the glow comes from in the room behind me.

A pool shining like it was made from diamonds glimmers in every direction. I stare longer than minute, which passed on to feel like I've been staring for hours, days, years...for centuries.

Something about it seems so familiar, but I don't know why. I've never been in this place. I've never seen anything like this before...have I?

As I start to think about it, my feet move on their own. Moving closer to the pool as my thoughts slowly disappear. But as they go, something takes it's place.

Flashes of moments, almost like visions race through my eyes and mind, making my body feel like a slight breeze. But then it howls like a hurricane, sending my scales to go sharp and flare out.

A cry of a woman.

As I blink, everything turns a brighter hue. Everything speeds up as my feet run to the sound and then suddenly they stop.

The sight infront of me seems familiar to me, but why?!

Why is it so familiar?!!

The obviously pregnant woman screams in pain as she pushes, every time she inhales and struggles an exhale her body shakes. Tired, but not alone.

A HUGE dragon like creature lays beside her, nuzzling her stomach with such care with the tiniest amount of his huge muzzle.

With one last scream and a steady push a small, frail body slides out from the tired woman filling with her with relief, but also worry.

The baby isn't crying...

The giant dragon like creature moves quickly to the pale grey baby and nuzzles it, getting a bit rougher till he finally blows a soft breath on the small bundle on the floor.

Suddenly, a loud piercing cry is heard from the baby as the mother cries with relief.

Their child is safe and alive.

She slowly reaches over with a towel beside her in hand and picks the baby up slowly and carefully as she cleans the blood away from the new life's face to see the little button nose and a small crown of a darker shade of grey scales around the babies forehead.

As she holds the baby close to her she look up at the dark grey, almost black, dragon creature.

" She's ours, love." Her strained voice cracks a bit as she cries of happiness as the dragon moves to look at the crying babies face closer.

A deep, rumbling dominant voice speaks, but somehow soft and protective. " Our child, our little girl."

The baby slowly starts opening it's little eyes to show a dark familiar purpley - scarlet shade color with hints of grey. Slowly and softly the small babe starts to stop crying as it looks up at its parents and smiles and giggles.

It's small seemingly weak arms, are actually strong as it reaches up to the dragon as he chuckles.

As the new parents start to laugh at the babies small giggle they say together at the same time with love,

" Our baby Scarlet."

Something Different (a FireBreather fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now