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Chapter 30: Alive

Minho's eyes widened as he realized what he just said but then again, he didn't regret it one bit because he believed(Misunderstood) what Jisung did was far more worse than his words.

He expected Jisung to cry but the sight he faced sent a chill to him.

Cold eyes.

Jisung stared at him, his eyes frigid, Tears no longer streaming down his cheeks. He took a shaky breath in "Y-you-" He gulped "You don't mean it..." His eyes shook, looking everywhere but Minho. "No...of course" He chuckled dryly "You don't mean it....of course you won't" and then finally the broken eyes met the broken eyes.

The cold and empty one met the rage one.

"Oh, Jisung..." Minho scoffed, blinking continuously to stop his tears "I do..." Jisung's eyes dilated, and his whole body started trembling. He shook his head, a sob escaping his lips "No no no- don't say it-"

"....I mean it from the fucking bottom of my heart" 

Jisung wanted to lash out, to scream and yell, but his voice failed him. He wanted to know what the fuck was happening. What caused Minho to say such words? All he could manage was a choked sob as tears continued to stream down his face.

Jisung just watched Minho raising his gun and aiming at him 

"W-what have you done to me?" Minho said, "I should kill the killer of my mother and..." He trailed off.

"Then do it!!" Jisung yelled "Fucking just kill me!!" He finally choked out. 

"I will" Minho nodded "I should"


"Then why can't I do it?... Why is it that when it comes to you I hesitate!?! When it's you why am I suddenly a coward?! Why can't I shoot you?! Fucking kill you?!" Minho panted, his chest rising and falling.

"" He whispered. Jisung stood there frozen "Run away. go!!" 

Jisung spun on his heels and without a second thought ran away from there.

He ran and ran and ran till his knees gave in.

Something wet splatters on his cheek. The drizzle turns into a downpour soaking Jisung. And then, where Jisung and his broken heart were, a gunshot echoed.

Jisung's eyes widened when he saw blood mixing with the water. He touched his stomach and raised his hands only to see his hand now covered in blood. 

Pain shot up in his body. He grunted and turned his head to find Minho's father with a gun in his hand.

Jeonsuk laughed "Well hello there Jisung" He moved forward to Jisung "Or should I say, Peter?" He kicked Jisung.

"Who the fuck a-are you?" He was losing blood. at this point, he was sure he was dead.

But he will not die without knowing the reason behind Minho's words and-

How was Lee Know still alive?

.        .        .

ᗰIᑎᕼO'ᔕ ᑭOᐯ

9 years ago

I bit my arm. The red marks were still fading and here I am, creating new ones. But I can't help it cause they are just marks but I will get far worse than these if he will hear my cries.

Today, I had one of the most painful training. Dad had been making me endure the toughest training so I could be the leader of Amber.

His Mafia gang.

I don't want to be a Mafia. I am tired. I was crying every day but I wouldn't let Dad know it. 

Because the day he found out I was done for. It was just one time, a tear slipped out of my eye when I hurt my hand and Dad made me spend the night out on a tall building during a storm.

I was 13 that time which means it was one year ago. I have acrophobia (Fear of heights) But still, he gave me that punishment. 

I am at school, I should go to class but I can't or else Auntie Nari will me in this condition. 

My aunt Nari is my teacher and my dad is the principal of this school so I have no escape.

It's suffocating.

A tap on my shoulder startled me. I snapped my head in that direction.

I raised my hand, ready to attack but everything stopped when my eyes met doe eyes. There stood a boy, with cute chubby cheeks, his eyes wide filled with curiosity and...concern?

And that's when I realized the tears still streamed down my cheeks. "Don't you dare tell-" I stopped talking when he raised his hands and cupped my cheeks. I saw how his eyes softened and became sad. 

"You are hurt" His voice was very soft and he had baby features. He looked younger than me. He ran out of the room before I could process what was happening. A disappointed feeling settled in my chest.

But then he came back, with bandages. He wrapped it around my injury and treated it. "I don't know what you're going through but...remember No matter how much you believe that the night is endless in the end, the dawn surely has to come" He smiled

We didn't utter a single word before he grabbed my wrist "Let's go" he said, tugging my arm "W-where?"


He led me to the terrace and the cold wind hit our skin. It rained an hour ago so the floor was still wet but we found a dry spot and sat there. 

"What's your name?" He asked, his eyes finally meeting mine. He was so innocent and small that I felt a little bit guilty for not showing much emotion so I smiled at him "Lee Know" At this a frown formed on his face. 

"That's a weird name. It's not your real name, Is it?" He pointed out. I was surprised that he knew it wasn't my real name. 

I can't tell him my real name either cuz Dad told me not to. "Uh...yes it's not. I am sorry I can't-"

"It alright" He smiled and that's when I noticed a small bruise on his cheek "W-what your name?"

"it won't be fair if I'll tell you my name so can I...?" 

"Uh yeah sure! You also cannot tell me your name" For the first time in my life, I felt like I was having fun.

As if...

As if I have found myself a friend.

" can call me...Peter!!" We both chuckled.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.

One day I asked Peter If I was forced to be something I don't want to be what should I do?

His answer left me shaken"Listen to your heart. You know you are being forced right? Then why are you going along with it Lee Know Hyung?" I stared at him before I engulfed him in a hug.

At first, I thought this hug meant nothing. But then for the first time, I heard Peter crying. I pulled apart panic-stricken and the sight broke my heart.

"What happened Peter?" I asked. His tiny body was trembling "I-i"

And what he told me next made me see red.

I was angry.


His parents were abusive, hurting and torturing this poor soul every day. it took me a while to calm him down. He told me that they called him a burden and this made something go off in me.

I didn't think twice before uttering "Don't worry, I'll protect you. You are my responsibility now"

Does the past make sense?


Do I care?



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