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   JUNE 24th

"bruceyy! get up darling. todays the day." his mom sung him awake.

"mm.. mom i don't wanna."

"dont care! cmon school is starting soon. youre gonna get picked up early."

bruce remained still not moving.

"bruce yamada. get up now." his mom said changing her voice to show she was serious.

bruce groaned and started to sit up, stretching and yawning. his mom had now left the room. he had nothing on his mind besides france.

maybe he would make friends? i mean he is known to be the golden boy and he gets along with everyone. maybe france wouldn't be so different.

he stood up and walked into his bathroom. he grabbed his toothbrush and started brushing quickly.

he always sung happy birthday in his mind when brushing to know when hes done. or maybe that was for washing hands?

whatever. he did happy birthday four times in his head then spit out the tooth pace and wiped the dripping, soggy, toothpaste stuck on his lip.

he grabbed a soap bar and began scrubbing his face with it. he brought up two hands full of water and washed his face clean.

"bruce yamada, chop chop!" his mom screamed from downstairs.

with this he ran to his dresser threw on a white shirt, blue hoodie, and grey sweatpants. he raced downstairs and saw his mom and amy waiting.

"Ai brucey i tell you to hurry you take decades" mom said jokingly rubbing her temple.

"mom, beauty takes steps"

"don't know why you try." amy muttered. mom opened the door allowing amy and bruce out before locking it.

"mom can i sit in the front?"

mom just lifted her shoulders and unlocked the car. bruce was seated in the front, amy in the back.

"ok auntie tega is going to get you guys at 9:40 and bring you too the airport."

oh shit. bruce forgot to do the important thing and pack.

"mom, can you tell her too maybe stop bye the house? i kinda forgot to pack."

bruces mom looked at him rubbing her temple. she sighed.

"sure bruce. sure" she started the car and pulled out the driveway.

"why do i have to go to mom, bruce is pratically two, sure the won't notice."

"fuck off amy"

"bruce yamada, do not cuss near me again or i will make sure you regret it."

"she started it."

"aye how bout we play the quiet game? whoever talks last gets $10"

that was always how she got them quiet. if she actually paid the winner bruce would be rolling in bands.

after 12 minutes they pulled in the school parking spot.

"ok bye babies i love you guys, call me when you guys get there!" mom waved bye as we got out the car.

me and amy started walking together.

"i really can't believe they are making us go to france!" amy complained.

"trust me, i tried to talk her out. dad wants to show up all of a sudden and makes us go to france."

"no choice at all" amy added on.

the summer of bruce yamadaWhere stories live. Discover now