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bruce got home, very extatic. he has new friends! and ones that don't make him do school work.

he saw everyone (or so he thought) in the dining room. he snuck upstairs and opened his 'bedroom' and saw amy watching tv, arms folded into her lap.

she noticed the wide grin bruce had that she hadn't seen since dad was gone. i mean sure he smiled but not like this.

"whats got you so happy?"

"oh just my friends."

"oh friends? not just you jackass ones?"

"no amy. cool ones. and one has a sister your age!"

amy looked back from the tv and saw bruce. now she was intriged.

"what, who?"

"my friend finney! he uhm has a sister your age! her name is gwen."



bruce laid back his head on his bed and only thought of the curly headed blonde. he let a smirk drop out.

"well anything else."

"just one of them."

"who is she?"

she. the word running off amys tounge but sounding like screeching chalkboard in his ears. he didn't like a girl. he like a boy. he hate to admit it. he hadn't told anyone since his awakening with thomas. his friend. or maybe ex friend.

thats how he new what he liked. half the boys at his old school like girls. only one was out about liking boys— he got his shit beat every day. thats what scared him the most. well not the scariest. the f word.

what he really was one. he liked boys. girls always tried to get his attention but he turned away from them.

"rue?" amy snapped bruce out of his thoughts.


"tell me about her!"

how could he say that "she" wasn't nessicarly a she.

so he didnt.

"she has blonde curly hair. it bounces as she walks. her hair covers her face often. and he- she is really agressive." he lied completely. hoping she wouldn't catch the slip.


"hm amy?"

"i know that she isn't a she."

"whatt- no she is-"

"i know my brother. so tell me about him."

he smiled at his sisters support.

"he is tall. taller then me by a foot or so, super aggressive and calls me "pretty boy" he has his blonde curly long hair."

"oh, whats his name?"



"mhm. the best name-"

"sounds like the most ugliest name ever."

bruce slimmed his eyes angrily.

"shut it amy."

"mhm brucey." amy said rolling her eyes. the rest of the night she just listened to bruce yap about a boy he barely knew. and amy had to know if he was good for her brother.


today she woke up early. specifically at 8AM. she looked over and saw bruce napping on his bed. she smiled a bit before tiptoeing downstairs and opening the door that made a creaking sound.

the summer of bruce yamadaWhere stories live. Discover now