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                         ++ Vance Hopper ++

he needed bruce. he loved bruce. so why would he do that to bruce. maybe finney and robin could clear his mind. he twisted the doorknob which was open. it swung open revealing.. robin and finney.

+ bruce yamada.

bruce eyes widened when he saw his boyfriend. or who he hoped was still his boyfriend. silence quieted the room.

before finney spoke up.

"hey vance! sit anywhere.. uh griffin and billy are coming." finney tried making the silence less awkward. he sat the farthest seat away from bruce. next to robin. he could feel small glances looking iver at him.

probably bruce. he hoped it was bruce. he heard small mutters from robin and finney, just as he was about to tell them to 'shut the fuck up' they spoke up instead.

"well uhm me and robin are gonna go to his room for a bit" finney excused grabbing robins hand and pulling him up.

it was obvious what they were trying to do. trying to get vance and bruce to talk. vance heard footsteps walking upstairs.

there was the silence. again. they both didn't seem to try to say a word.

"vance?" bruce finally spoke up. breaking vance out of his thoughts. bruce scooted closer. not so close but close enough.


"i-im really sorry, i shouldn't have lead you on, if i wasn't ready to do anything.. it was selfish of me to do that. i know it was a accident, and i wasnt your fault" bruce somewhat admitted? even though everything he said was wrong- besides it being a accident. bruce looked down most of the time fiddling and talking with his hands, whenever he looked up.

vance grinned, as bruce just rambled on about it being "his fault". bruce just kept talking and when bruce looked up he was meant with two warm lips on his. he missed this feeling. even though it had only been hours. bruce thought he fucked everything up. not knowing vance thought the same

"rue." vance spoke. only bruces family and vance called him thought. even though it wasn't original it always made bruce feel happy.

"yeah?" bruce softly ask.

"it wasn't your fault, dumbass."———- he joked— "i shouldn't have pushed you that far, and i shouldn't have got all pissy with you. you didn't lead me on baby, i mistook the signs. i understand if youre not ready for anything. Im sorry." vance spoke out. the crazy thing he'd ever say. he hadn't said im sorry since he started to fight people.

he only said it when he taunted people. but this time he meant it. a gasped was heard from around the corner. it was obvious.

bruce smiled. not with his teeth just a small smile. bruce embraced vance and held him tight. vance let his hands fall down bruces back.

"what is it finney?"

"you said 'im sorry'"


"vance ive never heard you say sorry!"

"oh mhm."

finney was still astonished that vance made it seem like no big deal. it didn't take long before robin pulled finney back to the couch.

they all watched to movie, this time vance next to bruce and finney next to robin. robin and finney were practically cuddling, while bruce only had his head on vances shoulder. vances hand slung tight over bruces waist.

a few minutes later you could hear thudding on the front door.

"shit! i forgot griffin and billy were coming." robin spoke, as he stood from the couch, walking over and swinging open the door.

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