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JUNE 25th 2007–

they finally go there. finally at the new house. bruce's aunt told them his dad and family members should pick us up.

"well where the fuck are they?" amy questioned.

"maybe they are on the way. i mean when has dad ever been on time"

"definently not in life"

amy and bruce both sat down on the airline seats. they waited a while for their dipshit dad to show.

after a while amy laid her head on bruces shoulder. bruce looked at his sister and she had her eyes closed peacefully.

bruce wouldve pushed her head off his shoulder but he was a bit tired still. he knew he couldn't rest because he had to make sure his sister would be ok.

everytime he heard the doors screech open he would look and see a random family. that was until he saw his dad. or so he thought so.

the man was about 5'11, jet black hair, and hazel eyes.

he looked over and made eye contact with bruce before speed walking to bruce.

"rue? is that you?" the man asked.


"oh my goodness! i missed you guys so much. so good to see my children again" he spoke, hughing bruce which woke up amy.

"hm? dad"

"mhm amy. you know dad has missed you guys and i can't wait for you too meet your family!" dad excitedly said. he pulled bruce and amy up and walked them out into the car.

the car ride was silent. besides dad asking questions every so often.

"how old are you guys?"
"what grade you guys in?"
"who is older again?"
"hows moms house?"

bruce just faked a slumber which amy copied. this hushed dad finally.

twenty minutes or so—

the car door opened, almost making bruce fall. he stepped out the car and saw— a house. not like his mom kind of pretty. but pretty.

he thought about how'd have a new bedroom.

his dad apologized for taking a minute stopping the car. he quickly stepped up the stairs and went in.

"welcome back yamada's!"

holy fuck. there was about ten or twelve of them. random people. or people he didn't know. they all crowded amy and bruce.

how do they get out of there?


vance was watching the pinball bounce of the walls of the game.

"so ya going to finneys game?" robin asked. bouncing a bouncy ball on the ground and catching it with his hand.

vance was focused.

"sure dipshit." vance said. he flicked the ball around with the levers and the points went up.

his friend alex on his other side.

"vance. youre gonna beat your high score!"

"of course im gonna do it dumb shit, i said i would."

the balls pinged around. his score going up and up.

the pinball was stuck at the corner. vance smirked and saw his point system go up.

the summer of bruce yamadaWhere stories live. Discover now