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tw:: internilised homophobia, f slur.

vance has grown to the nickname. pinball hopper he hates it but i mean what more can he do? hes the toughest boy in the area for kicking ass. hes never
been in real love.

of course he has a ex or a few but he never really loved him. he always thought he was unlovable. that all was until bruce yamada decided to come.

bruce yamada was the only boy who vance didn't want to kick his ass. basically vance liked him. he wanted to do something about it! he knew that finney and robin wouldn't care.

but the thing is everyone else would. vance wasn't a faggot. he was normal. he wish he wouldn't have to be though.

he remembered in fifth grade when he first liked that boy. cameron biggs. he had jet black hair, slim eyes, and perfect fucking teeth.

vance went home and told his mom that day. his dad sadly heard too. vance layed on his bed trying to bring together all the pieces of his memory that day


vance hopped in the backseat of his moms car. he was super excited! he wanted to tell his mommy about the boy.

his dad was in the car. front seat.

"mommy mommy!" vance cheerfully called.

"yes baby?"

"today, we got a new kid!"

"oh really?" mom said, pretending to be intrigued, earning a scoff from dad.

"yeah! hes a boy, and and he is super cute!" vance said. his dad face urched, not saying a word waiting for moms reaction.

"oh thats wonderful." she plainly spoke eye on rode.

his dad turned around in the seat and locked eyes with vance with a angry look as vance tilted his head confused.

"you shut your mouth vance! you dont like boys! liking boys is for faggots! my son aint no fucking fag! you dont call boys cute. its gross and nasty and youll go to burn in hell!" dad harshly yelled. in the process he slapped vances mouth.

"don't touch my baby!" mom screamed.

"so what its my son too!"

"you horrible motherfucker!"

his dad and mom screamed at each other. the tears jerked down vances face. he was just like his mom, sensitive. the tears poured.

they argued mom no longer focusing in the rode but only taking quick glances. no one notice the truck speeding down, which flew right into the car. ramming it into a tree. luckily mom had the strict rule of seatbelts. her airbag didn't come out only dads. her head slammed foward.

his vision was blurry when he opened his eyes. he saw his dad climbing out his car door.

"m-mommy?" vance softly spoke. he was a diagnosed mommys boy. since birth. his broken car door flew open and he was picked up by his dad.

he rested his head on his dads bloody shoulder.

"is mommy gonna be ok?" he managed to get out without a stutter.

"mhm.. i hope.." his dad said patting his head.

                 !-*END OF FLASHBACK *-!

he let a tear slip. on his bed. staining it. he thought maybe if he didn't ever say he liked a boy than it wouldn't happen.

liking a boy was wrong. and he isn't a faggot. he liked girls. with jet black hair, and perfect teeth.

maybe he could find one the opposite of bruce? or maybe bruce was just right? he just didn't want someone to get hurt because he was a fag.

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