season 2- episode 2- the star squad sisters marathon

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cinnamon churro:time for crunchyroll on demand,enjoy the show!

snowy:the star squad sisters marathon!

molly star:remember,hit the subscribe button,and check out our snugglers at!

SMG4:now,on to the episode!

alex spider:and enjoy yourself!

lora star:girls and SMG4,mario & SMG3,pikachu & greninja,bedtime!


daisy star:really greninja,really,that's molly's bed,your bed is outside!

greninja:fine,outside it is,good night!

daisy star:and molly,did you eat cereal before bed,jeez!

molly star:i'm getting the hunger pangs,this girl needs burger king!,go to,go to now!

lora star:molly,fine,one cup of diet seagram's ginger ale lemon,and that's it!

molly star:thanks,yikes,where's the sink,i need water!

lora star:one cup of water,here you go!

molly star:time to go to bed,i'm a sleepy girl,i'm heading into my bed!,i'm awake,and we are playing guinea pig simulator!

daisy star:okay,we'll do it,then we are going to grandma's!

lora star:girls and SMG4,mario & SMG3,pikachu & greninja,5 minutes,then we can see grandma!

snowy the alolan vulpix:okay!

molly star:but who was that sad gun person!,time to play...guinea pig simulator!,i've been eat too much kibble!

daisy star:don't be silly molly!

molly star:don't call me silly or little,or i'll bite your ears and make you cry!

lora star:molly,stop,daisy is your sister,stop biting,jeez!

molly star:two guinea pigs are kissing,did daisy marry brookie cookie for no reason,jeez!,i'm not watching that!,oh-no,no,no!

splat [strange world]:[alien sounds]


kaa [liva action jungle book]:trust in me now,just trust in me!

kirito and kiriko:kaa,you stop that now,huh,kaa,these are bandai namco characters,help,rapunzel!

rapunzel [rapunzel's tangled adventure]:don't worry now kirito,i got this!

death gun:hug!

king oberon:oh-no,no,no!

romi:to the lobby for guinea pig simulator!

joahping:i don't know now,joah!

lemmy:thank you...for holding...the elevator!

romi:aww,come on!

molly star:i'm a super fat guinea pig girl!

lora star:two minutes,and hurry!

molly star:fine,see you later!,to grandma's!,welcome to sword art online the series presents fantasy patrol and super cuties' adventures 2- sad bullet lycoris,if you enjoy episode 3,here a sneak peek of original sword art online two,enjoy!

sneak peek speaker:death gun wanted revenge,it's up to kirito and sinon to stop this player before it's too late,don't miss sword art online 2,only on toonami on adult swim!

molly star:this speak peek is fun,continuing our episode,enjoy!,before we get started,grab you some popcorn "yuzon popcorn"!,get it!,there we go!,enjoy!,we're playing choose a toilet!

daisy star:we have 20 minutes left to play on grandma's laptop!

mrs. gummy bear:i've been stuck by getting wrong answers,do not be like doodoo gun,yuck!,because the name!

doodoo gun:that i share with this weapon,doodoo gun!

sad gun:welcome to the team now doodoo gun!

michelle:i found a baby changing station!

grandma:i'll put 20 more minutes to play on my laptop!

molly star:thanks!

fart monkey:stinky poop,yay!

pennywise:hi,name,pennywise,wanna play!

sad gun:welcome to the team now pennywise!

molly star:[singing] rubber ducky,you're the one!,you make lemmy laugh!,you make bathtime lots of fun!,rubber ducky,i'm oftenly fond of you!

grandma:i'll put 20 more minutes to play on my laptop!

molly star:i'll play the rest of it,well,time to go,heading home!,hey daisy,play soccer with me!

daisy star:fine!

sissi test:log out!

snowy:is gun gale online fun,we'll play tomorrow!

molly star:next time,ragatha's evil twin sister!

star squad

tigerhead/ludo studios/BBC


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