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A/N: Welcome to my new story! I'm so happy I finished this one, this has been a work in progress for a while now. I hope you enjoy Bailey and David's story! : )


My eyes lazily looked around the crowded reception room, never feeling this bored in my life. I looked at everyone's loved up faces as they watched Ben and Jenna dance around, looking so loved up it was making me sick. Seriously, I was ill. All this lovey dovey bullshit was not for me, there was no way in hell I could ever see myself getting married one day. At least now that my younger brother was married my parents would finally get off my ass about it. There was no way I was going through all this like Ben did, this shit cost literal thousands of dollars. Hard pass. Plus, they were already talking about having kids. Harder pass. There was also no way in hell I'd ever be having any spawns of Satan. Thank god I never had to ever worry about getting pregnant.

Once everyone started clapping I zoned back in before yawning, wanting this damn day to be over already. I took a quick sip of the whiskey I'd been drinking before getting up and strolling outside. I took a cigarette out of my pocket, leaning onto a fence after lighting it up. I knew it was a shit habit but I only smoked when I either felt like shit or was bored as hell. Which, was a lot.

"Cancer sticks already?"

I glanced up to see Tom walk over to the fence, a surprised look crossing my face. "Didn't know you'd be here," I said as the sudden breeze was making his cologne waft over to me, the woody scent lighting up my insides. God I loved men who smelled like the outdoors and all that shit. Not that I'd ever sleep with Tom, he was not my type. He also wasn't gay. It also wasn't good to mix a business relationship with a romantic one. Not like I was a relationship type, I was more of a hookup and never see each other again.

"I had a hunch you'd be bored shitless," he said while shoving his hands into his pockets. "And figured you'd like something to take the edge off."

"You do sell good weed," I said as Ben suddenly came outside. He looked around before spotting me, a frown on his face. My entire family looked at me like that so that was nothing new. When he started walking over to us I said, "But this probably isn't good timing. Sir stick up my ass is on his way over."

When Ben made his way over to us he looked between us before asking, "Why aren't you inside Bailey?"

"Why are you talking to me like I'm five? I came out to smoke, is that allowed you grouchy ass?"

His eyes narrowed, really not making us look alike. Ben looked like my mother, dark hair and blue eyes. I however took more after my father, curly blonde hair and brown eyes. "Can you not act like a decent human being for one day, especially on my wedding day?"

"Why are you even out here anyway?"

"I noticed you disappeared and wanted to make sure you weren't doing anything." He then glanced over at Tom before looking back at me. "You seriously called your weed dealer here?"

"Why do you care so much? It's just weed. Maybe if you smoked once in a while you wouldn't be such a boring ass."

Ben glared at me again before saying, "You really need to grow up Bailey, you're thirty now. And I shouldn't have to be telling you this as your younger brother. Just come back inside soon."

With that he walked away, making me roll my eyes. "Is he always that much of a dick?" Tom asked.

"Since he could talk. I could smoke now."

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