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I pushed the food away, not interested in eating after David went outside. I felt like a disgusting person for the meltdown I had in the store. I also didn't mean to say I wish I had died that day, it just sort of slipped out. But ever since the store he's been acting weird, and he didn't even want to eat. Maybe he's that sick of me and had Hunter over to talk about where to put me. Like I was some sort of misplaced puppy or something.

After sitting in silence for a few minutes I got up and wrapped the plate of food, putting it into the fridge. I know that he told me to sleep in the bed, but I didn't want to take even more from him. With that in mind I laid down onto the couch, pulling a blanket basically up to my chin and closed my eyes.

Sleep came sooner than expected, something that normally would've been invited. But with it came images of someone I didn't know, towering over me. It was hard to tell where we were, but I felt like I'd been there before. The person stalked towards me and grabbed me before I could move, their hands holding me so tightly it was hard to move. They shoved my body backwards until my back hit something hard, the sound of water below. The person then smiled before shoving me, my body falling backwards into the water. I instantly started struggling before realizing my hands and feet were tied, I was going to drown. I thrashed and thrashed, desperately trying to reach the surface and-


I woke up with a scream, my entire body shaking and tears running down my cheeks. It took a second for my eyes to focus on David sitting in front of me, suddenly not knowing where I was. My breathing came out heavily as David said, "Breathe, in and out. Good, slower. You're okay, I have you."

After breathing slower like he said I realized I was in his bed, he must've carried me in here again. "What happened?"

"I was on the couch when I heard you screaming, you must've been having a nightmare."

I started breathing harder while starting to remember the dream, David's hands tightening on me. "Someone pushed me off a bridge, like the day you found me. But my hands and feet were tied and I was trying to get back up to surface but I couldn't and I knew I was going to drown and-"

"Shh," he said while pulling my body into his as my sobs filled the room. "You're at the surface, you made it Bailey. You're okay."

My fingers gripped his shirt while saying in between sobs, "Please don't leave like everything else in my life." I wasn't even sure what made me say that that, but he simply held me tighter.

"I'm not going anywhere."

He then positioned his body so he was leaning onto the pillows behind him, my body basically molded against his. Something about being held like this by him was so comforting, I wish I knew if someone had ever held me like this. He pulled the comforter up from where I must've kicked it, the warmth making my eyes grow heavy.

Before I knew it my eyes were opening, having to squint from the sunlight coming into the room. I realized David was asleep next to me, his arms still around me. I had absolutely no idea what time it was, the only thing I knew was how good it felt to be wrapped in David's arms. I'm sure he only did it because I had a rough night, but I still appreciated it. More than he'd ever know.

After running my hands over my exhausted face, I snuggled back into the pillow before my eyes eventually closed again. When they opened again I was now facing the window, David behind me. His right arm was wrapped around me, his fingers placed onto the sheet by my chest. My fingers absentmindedly gripped onto his as he shifted behind me.

Lost and Found (mxm)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя