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I was glad the nurse and doctor finally left, all this memory therapy stuff was making my head hurt. Luckily they gave me some food, and this sandwich was delicious. I wonder what kind of food I ate before, what did I love and hate? It really sucks I'd never know. I know the doctor said my memory could come back, but I wasn't going to hold my breath.

After finishing the sandwich and some apple juice I stared outside at the mountains in the distance. It was crazy that I knew we were in Montana, but I couldn't remember anything else. Did I grow up here, or did I move here when I was younger? So many unanswered questions that will always stay unanswered.

Before I could drift off to sleep a gentle knock came from the door, my eyes wandering over to see David coming into the room. "David," I said with a smile. Even though we didn't really know each other, he was the one person I really felt connected to. "Hi!"

He smiled as he came over and sat in the same chair as before. "Hi, how are you feeling?"

"Alright," I said while looking at a manilla folder in his hand. "I had some memory therapy while you were gone and that was exhausting." When I realized Hunter wasn't here I asked, "Is everything okay? Your partner was here last time."

An unrecognizable expression crossed his face before it was gone so fast I thought I imagined it. "I thought this would be less stressful if only I was here."


"We found your identify."

That made me sit up in bed while smiling. "Really!? What's my name?"

A soft smile crossed David's face as he said, "Bailey."

"Bailey," I repeated, the name sounding so foreign on my lips. "Huh."

"And your last name is Cooper."

"Bailey Cooper," I said. "Sounds like a good name."

He nodded before saying, "It is. Now while we were doing some digging we found some of your past."

From the look on his face I didn't want to know, but took the folder when he handed it to me. I quickly opened it and paled when I saw a mugshot. Oh my god, I was arrested? My eyes skimmed over the report, realizing I had stolen things from a store when I was a teenager. Stupid teenager. There were two other pictures in the folder. One was what looked like a recent photo of me, holding a cigarette in one hand. Oh god, I smoke? I frowned before looking at the other picture, a family picture. The picture looked to be from many years ago, but I could still see this family was not that close.

"I know this might be a lot to take in right now, so I didn't want to bring that many pictures at once. But you have a younger brother named Ben and your family is from here, you were born and raised."

"Can I see my family? Maybe seeing them will jog back some memories."

This time David looked upset, was he mad I wanted to see them? "Your parents are on a cruise for a couple months and your brother is on his honeymoon. Unfortunately you can't meet them for awhile."

"Oh he got married recently? That's nice. Oh! I have a brother or sister-in-law now?"

It seemed like David wanted to say something but stopped, smiling instead. "A sister-in-law, Jenna."

"I wonder if Ben and I are close," I said while looking at the papers again. "Did you talk to him? How did he sound?"

"We couldn't talk long, but he seemed busy. I think it'll be better once he's home and can focus better."

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