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"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

I glanced up at a worried David leaning against the bed, looking and smelling so good it should be illegal. While I would've loved to run errands with him, I wanted to keep him safe. And I needed to find Tom before he found anyone I loved. I just hope David would forgive me for lying to him.

"I'd like to but I'm feeling a little tired today."

He nodded while placing a hand onto my cheek before saying, "That's understandable, the past couple of days have been a little crazy. Get some rest sweetheart," he said while leaning down to kiss my forehead. He then kissed me, my free arm wrapping around his neck. "Call me if you need anything."

"I love you, please be safe."

He gently kissed my forehead again before saying, "And I love you. I'll be safe, I promise."

My heart hurt watching him leave, hoping he wasn't going to hate me. I then slowly got out of bed and got dressed before wandering out into the kitchen. I picked today to ask David to run to the store because I knew his parents were out. I worriedly glanced at my phone, realizing Ben would be here soon. Once I heard tires pull up I walked outside to see his car.

After walking over to his car I opened the door and got in. "Hey," I said. "Thanks for picking me up."

Ben gave me a look before looking back at the house. "Why isn't David with you?"

"I can't have a day when just us brothers hang out?"

He looked like he wasn't buying what I was saying as he said, "Does he know I picked you up?"

"Of course he does. Do you not want to hang out with just me?"

"Of course I do," he said before sighing and running his hands over his face. "I'm just worried Bailey. That dickhead could be anywhere." Nervous butterflies were in my stomach as I nodded. "So, where were you wanting to go?"

"Can I see where you got married?"

His eyebrows rose while he asked, "Why do you want to go there?"

"I was thinking if I went places I'd been before I could potentially trigger some memories."

"Are you sure you don't want to just stay here for the day?"

"I'm sick of staying inside like a damsel in distress," I said while looking at him. When he suddenly smiled I asked, "What?"

He shook his head while starting to back out. "You sounded so much like your old self just now."

That made me weirdly happy as we drove out of the driveway, my eyes watching the house fade away in the mirror. We stayed in a comfortable silence before pulling up to a cute lodge. This would've been a really nice place to have gotten married, I wonder what I was up to that day.

Once Ben parked we got out and started to walk around, him telling me all about the wedding. It sucked I didn't remember my brother's wedding day, but at least he was here now. I looked at his face and tried not to let my emotions show too much, I really didn't want to blow the plan. When he noticed me staring at him he asked, "What?"

"Nothing," I said while shaking my head. "Is there a bathroom around here?"

"There's one inside, but I'm not sure if it's unlocked right now. It doesn't look like there's anyone else here. Can you hold it until we get back?"

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