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The following day I was truly hoping to leave, I was getting sick of being in this room. Lola had dropped by yesterday; it was really nice to see her. And once she left and it was just David and I, I was able to flag down a nurse. I sheepishly asked if I could get an STD test where, thank god, I was finally able to find out I was clean.

David had taken the rest of the week off, not even wanting to leave me alone. After reassuring him I was fine in here, he went home real fast to let Petunia out. It was weird being here alone, but I took the opportunity to slowly walk to the bathroom to try and make myself look presentable.

Right after I came out of the bathroom, I yelped when I saw a woman standing by the bed. She immediately held her hands up, making me realize she had a small cooler in one of her hands. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

My hands were still shaking as I slowly hobbled back over to bed. "Who are you?"

"I'm David's mother, but please, call me Juanita." As she said it I saw the resemblance, the dark hair and eyes, darker skin complexion. "David recently told me everything about how you two met, and I'm so sorry about everything's that happened." Her face looked so pained she was actually making me sad. "From everything he's told me about you you're a wonderful man."

The unexpected compliment made my cheeks light up. "I'm not sure about that Juanita, but thank you."

"No my dear, it's true. I can tell you have an amazing heart, it's no wonder that my boy fell for you. And I never thought his heart would heal after what he went through. I am sorry you two had to meet in such a tragic way though." She sadly smiled while taking a hesitant step closer to the bed, holding the cooler out. "I made you some food if you're feeling hungry."

"You made me food?" I asked while taking the cooler from her.

"I did. Now I know you might not know exactly what you like so I made a few different options."

My jaw dropped as I looked at all the food in there. "Juanita, you really didn't have to do this."

"Of course I did, I make food for my family. And you're family."

That made me look up at her while whispering, "I... I am?"

She smiled while saying, "Of course you are. You're important to my son, you're important to me." That made unexpected tears form into my eyes as I looked through the food.

"I don't even know what to say, thank you. Would you like to sit down?"

"Thank you dear," she said while sitting in the chair. "How are you feeling?"

With a shrug I said, "As good as I can I guess. This cast is pretty bulky and I'm already ready to get it off."

"Don't push yourself too hard now, you understand me?" After I nodded she smiled. "Are you going to have to do physical therapy?"

"Once the cast is off, yes. That'll still be for awhile."

"You have something to look forward to," she said with a smile. "Is your right hand your dominant one?"

I nodded while sampling one of the sweet breads from the cooler. "Unfortunately."

"I know this might be odd to you since you don't know me that well, but I was going to offer you and David to stay with us. Only if you need a break or just would like some more company. It might be nice to be around some different faces too. But again, don't feel like I'm pressing you into this."

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