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"Thanks, this looks amazing." My mouth watered as Hunter set a delicious sandwich down in front of me. After taking a bite I realized he was staring at me, making me ask, "What?"

"You just seem so happy lately. I can physically tell, the way you've been carrying yourself is even different. Does this have to do with a certain roommate?"

I took another bite but couldn't help but smile. "Yes. And you know I haven't felt this way about someone in a very long time."

"I always knew you'd love again; your heart is too big."

"I didn't say love."

Hunter raised his eyebrows while eating a fry. "You might not have said it, but your eyes did."

That made me roll my eyes while throwing a fry at him, both of us laughing. After we finished eating I started writing up a report when my cell phone rang. "Hey," I said while seeing Lola was calling. "What's u-"

"Someone took Bailey!"

My smile immediately fell as I stood up, Hunter looking up. "What do you mean someone took him?"

"I went to the bathroom and he was gone when I came out. I couldn't find him so I looked at the security cameras," she said in between sobs. "Two men came in and forced him out. Oh my god I'm going to be sick."

"I'm coming right now," I said while running down the hallway.

"David! What happened?" Hunter yelled behind me as we ran down the hallway.

I couldn't respond, my heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Luckily Hunter kept up as I got into the car, turning the lights on and speeding down the road. Lola was still crying on the phone when Hunter grabbed it, asking her about what happened. My fingers tightened on the steering wheel, rage filling my body. I felt like in this moment I could kill whoever took my Bailey.

After finally getting to her store I parked and ran in, seeing her crying by the door. "I only left for a few minutes! I didn't even hear someone come inside."

Hunter immediately wrapped his arms around her, as I walked over to the camera footage. I watched Lola and Bailey laughing before she left, Bailey reading a magazine. Two men were then coming in, saying something to him before forcing him outside. I switched to the camera Lola had outside, seeing the van Bailey was being shoved into. When I saw there wasn't a license plate I slammed my fist on the counter. "Fuck!" My fingers wound up into my hair as Hunter watched the footage as well. "Why would someone do this?"

"I bet whoever was with him the day of the accident was here today," Hunter said while calling the department. He filled them in as I couldn't stop pacing.

I grabbed my phone and called Ben, his annoyed voice asking, "Now what?"

"Cut the crap," I all but yelled. "Give me list of everyone who was at your wedding."


"NOW!" I yelled as Hunter tried to take the phone from me, but I shoved him away. "Whoever pushed Bailey off the bridge, obviously came back to make sure he actually died this time. And the last thing you said to your brother was something so fucking idiotic and immature. How do you not feel like an awful person?"

Ben was quiet for a couple moments before he asked, "Someone really took him?"

"Are you not listening to me you fucktard?"

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