Who Your Jealous of 🙄

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Who Your Jealous of 🙄

❤️ Tanjiro Kamado ❤️

You're jealous of Kanao Tsuyuri. They hang out a lot without you. Tanjiro told you once before "Not to worry she is just a friend." But that never puts your mind at ease.

Little short scene

You were walking to the butterfly mansion after a mission. All you wanted to do was throw yourself on Tanjiro and have him pamper you with kisses. Reaching the butterfly mansion you walk in saying "Bunny im home come-." You stop mid sentence when you saw Tanjiro and Kanao laughing and talking.

You walk up behind them and cough. "Oh angel your home, how was the mission." Tanjiro ask with a smile on his face. You spun around and storm off to the room. Tanjiro followed behind. "Angel what's wrong." Tanjiro ask as he touch your shoulder.

"Your hanging out with Kanao again." You said as you puff out your cheeks. Tanjiro chuckle. "Is my angel jealous."

Little scene over

💛Zenitsu Agatusma 💛

You're jealous of Nezuko Kamado. Don't get me wrong you love hanging out with Tanjiro and his sister but everytime Zenitsu see Nezuko who lets you go and while screaming her name.

Little short scene

You were on Zenitsu back cause he agree to give you a piggy back ride but soon as Zenitsu saw Nezuko BOOM he drop you right on the ground.

"Nezuko- chaaannnn." Zenitsu said lovingly as he made his way over towards Nezuko. You sat up on the ground angry. "Grrrr." You thought to yourself as you got up and made your way towards Zenitsu. Once reaching him you smack him on top of his head.

"Ouch!" Zenitsu said as he look back at you. Once he saw your hands on your hips and you pouting he smirk. He then let go of Nezuko and grab on to you." Is my y/n-chan jealous." Zenitsu said as he rub his cheek up against yours.

💙Inosuke Hashibira 💙

You're jealous of no one. Well you tell yourself that but you do get a little jelly when Aoi has to make sure Inosuke is ok but you just shake it off and think of it as her doing her job. Even tho you try to stop her from doing it multiple times.

Little short scene

You had just come from doing a mission with your brother when all you here is talking coming from Inosuke room. You over towards his room and poke your head inside. You saw Inosuke and Aoi talking while she was getting his medicine ready.

"Ok Inosuke here." Said Aoi as she handed Inosuke the medicine. "I'm not taking that." Inosuke yelled as he smack the medicine out of Aoi hand. Her and Inosuke went into a shouting match.

You smirk to yourself as you walk over towards them. You pick up the medicine Inosuke made Aoi drop and put it to his mouth. "You should take it angry boar it'll help make you strong." You said as you put on a cute smiling face. Aoi snatch the medicine out of your hand. "I'll give it to him." You look at Aoi and shake your head. "No no I'm his lover I'll do it." You and Aoi begin to wrestle with the medicine while Inosuke stare into space.

Little scene over

🖤Giyu Tomioka 🖤

Your jealous of your own sister Shinobu. Only because she only asks about Giyu and is always talking about him.

Little short scene

You and Shinobu were hanging out when out of no where. "I wonder why giyu liked you and not me." You look at your sister in shock. " What do you mean." You ask her as you turn to look at her fully. Shinobu smile. "Well I mean we're both sisters clearly we have some resemblance but he choose you, I wonder what would happen if he choose me." She said while giggling. " That's not something you should be thinking about , especially since he is MY boyfriend." You said.

Shinobu chuckle. " No need to get jealous y/n it's only a thought."

🧡Rengoku Kyōjurō 🧡

To be honest you aren't jealous of no one. Rengoku already told you and clear your mind that there is no one he would rather be with than you.

🤍Uzi Tengen 🤍

You're jealous of Hinatsuru. Only because Tengen spend more time with her than he does with you or the other wives.

Little short scene

You were in the kitchen cooking for the wives and your husband when Suma comes up behind you and hug you. "What you making y/n-Chan." Suma ask as she look over your shoulder. "Im making breakfast." You said with a smile on your face.

"Might as well only make it for us." Makio said as she enter the kitchen. You turn around and look at Makio. "Where's Tengen and Hinatsuru." You ask. "On another date." Makio said. You frown. Tengen spent more time with Hinatsuru than you guys. "it's like she is his real wife." You thought as you put away two plates. Suma frown.

"Well don't be jealous y/n you still have us."

Little short scene over

🖤Gyutaro 💚

To be fair you aren't jealous of anyone. Only because anyone that tried to talk to this man literally gets ingored or push. And plus he doesn't really go outside.

Rui ❤️

You aren't jealous of anyone. Only because your always by Rui side. So if anyone tries to flirt with or talk to him they'll die. Because one they are not supposed to. And two their fucking up the family.

Muzan 🖤

Again why would you be jealous of anyone. This man made you as strong as him. If you wanted you could kill the person that is trying to flirt with him if he didn't kill them already.

Demon Slayer Boyfriend Scenario Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora