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"I don't care if her kids needs health insurance! I'm running a business not a charity, give her her two weeks' notice and tell her she better be gone by the fifteenth."

Swallowing nervously I watched as Calum's Dad kicked off his undoubtedly expansive leather shoes and dropped his briefcase and a paper fast-food bag in a chair by the door.

"I want her fired Meredith. And anyone that has a problem with that can follow right behind her."

Risking a glance over at Calum I found his face completely white, flushed of every color as if he had just seen a ghost.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

Forcing a blatantly fake smile he nodded, his eyes not leaving his Dad.

Looking back to Mr. Hood I realized that it was from him that Calum got the majority of his good looks. The two had the same wavy dark hair, identical dark eyes, and similar full lips, though while Calum had a sickly aurora which clung to him like a blanket, it was obvious that his Dad took care of himself by the way his suit jacket clung tightly to his distinguishable biceps.

"I have to go Mer I just walked in the door." He grumbled into his phone, before hanging up and shoving the device into the pocket of his pants.

Sighing deeply he then reached up and ran his fingertips through his hair, a motion I'd seen Calum copy countless times, before he looked up noticing the two of us sat awkwardly watching him, for the first time.

His brow wrinkled instinctively as he looked me up and down with blatant confusion and disgust before it smoothed and he forced what I could only assume was supposed to be a smile.

"Hello," he greeted.

"Hi." I squeaked.

"Cal, who's this?" Mr. Hood question in a tone which rang with irritation.

"Dad this is Katy." Calum said slowly.

"The girl that kidnapped you?"

"No! That was Grace."

"The girl that was kidnapped with you?"

"One of them, yeah."

His smile melting to a grimace, Mr. Hood nodded.

"It's nice to meet you." I spoke up, "You have uh a really nice house."

"Thank you." He replied curtly before turning his attention to Calum, "I brought home dinner, for Anna, you and I..."

Picking up on the heavy hint I hastily rose to my feet, "I was just leaving."

"No you weren't." Calum spoke up standing up beside me, "Dad, we need to talk to you."

"Calum, I really don't have time for this tonight I have like two cases I need to close by next Thursday."

"I can go." I said lamely.

"No." Calum said firmly, "Dad, we need to talk to you...right now. It's important."

Crossing his arms over his chest Mr. Hood looked between Calum and I in silence for several seconds before speaking, "You got her pregnant?"

"No!" Calum and I cried in unison.

"She gave you something?"

"No, Dad what the hell?" Calum snapped, "We aren't... that wouldn't..."

"We're friends." I interrupted, "Just friends."

Calum nodded.

Seeming relieved, Mr. Hood nodded, "Okay, then what is it that you two so desperately need to talk to me about?"

"We're seeking legal counsel." Calum answered.

"Excuse me?" his Dad laughed, seeming amused by the statement.

"Katy needs a lawyer." Calum answered, "You're a lawyer."

"A very expensive lawyer." He replied, "Which I'm willing to bet neither of you can afford."

"I'm your son!" Calum cried, "Don't I get some kind of discount or coupon or...."

"Calum I'm not a car dealer, you don't get the Chrysler family discount! Besides, whatever issue you two are heaving, I'm sure it's solvable without how did you put that, legal counsel."

"We need to win a child custody case." Calum said carefully, "And we need your help."

"A child custody case?"

"Tell him Katy." Calum muttered, staring his father down.

"My nephew." I said nervously, fiddling with the hem of my shirt, "My Mom is... well not a fit guardian."

"Well then why would you even try to take this case to court?" Mr. Hood laughed, "If the guardian is unfit you're wasting your ti...."

"His Dad." I interrupted, surprising myself at my own boldness, "He wants him, but he made a mistake...one time....years ago but they don't think he's a fit guardian either."

"What kind of mistake?" Mr. Hood sighed.

"He tried to kill himself." Calum muttered.

"Well that was just ignorant." Mr. Hood replied, "This case doesn't have a hope in hell you won't find anyone willing to touch it with a ten foot pole."

"You don't understand." I said desperately, "I need him back. But I can't get him by myself. I'll do anything!"

"Kathy I'm sorry..."

"Katy." Calum corrected.

"Katy..." his Dad amended, "I'm sorry but this case is a mess. Dad's never win custody especially when they do what this particular individual has done. Your best bet would be working with the mother. She, if a fit guardian would get automatic custody which she could then sign off to the father if she sees it fit but by the sound of things she doesn't seem to be in the picture."

"So what you're saying is, our only hope is to get his Mom involved?" Calum questioned.

Mr. Hood nodded.

"We'll do that then." Calum said eagerly.

"We can't." I mumbled, my heart sinking, "I don't know where she is."

"We'll find her." Calum assured me, "We have to, and when we do, you'll help us Dad? Right?"

Mr. Hood frowned.

"Please." Calum pleaded, "This means a lot to her, to me.... What would you do if me or Anna or the fish got taken away? I know you act like you don't care but I know you do... You would have let Mom have us if you didn't.... You fought for custody of us for a reason..."

Again, Mr. Hood frowned.

"Please Dad." Calum whispered.

"If you find the mother." Mr. Hood said slowly, "And if she wants the child.... And you present me with a plausible case with potential, I'll consider it."

"So that's a yes?" Calum said early.

"It's a maybe." His Dad replied.

"A maybe." Calum repeated, smiling at me reassuringly, "We can work with a maybe."


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