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Stood behind Katy, my chin resting on her shoulder, the two of us watched Sierra who was having an in depth, one way conversation with Elliot.

He'd been brought back to the circus originally but after a group of animal rights activists caused a ruckus, he was purchased by an animal rescue, and hour north where Sierra visited him every Saturday afternoon without fail.

He was much larger then the last time I'd seen him, however still kept trying to sit on Sierra's lap, only giving up when she leaned against him instead.

It was cold out. Too cold to be standing in frost dusted grass staring at an elephant who had something against the massive, heated barn where his comrades dwelt.

I could feel Katy shivering beneath me and thought of offering her my jacket, but I didn't want her to feel embarrassed or self conscious if it didn't fit so I moved closer to her instead.

Katy's ears reddened, as did her cheeks. Smirking, I pressed my weight onto my toes and growing several inches, kissed her cheek lightly.

Hoping that did something to warm her, I let my heels return to the ground just as someone behind me shouted my name excitedly.

Cramming my hands in my pockets I turned to find Annie sprinting towards me, Michael trudging along behind her.

"I saw a monkey!" She shrieked as she drew closer, "A big monkey!"

"It was a chimp." Michael elaborated, stopping beside Katy and I, "I guess he's awaiting trial."

"Trial?" Katy questioned, "for what?"

Glancing at Annie to make sure that she was paying more attention to the group of goats at our feet, he covered his face with his hand then ripped it away violently.

"He ripped someone's face off?" Sierra yelped.

Not realizing she'd joined us, I jumped.

"Who's face got ripped off?" Annie demanded, horrified.

"Nobody." Michael said quickly, "Are you ready to go, I'm freezing?"

"I'd like to see Elliot a bit more." Sierra said sadly.

"I have to get home." Katy spoke up, "Dorothy wants me to help make gingerbread houses with the kids."

"I have to go to." Michael added, "My mom is in charge of the Christmas pageant at work so we can't be late."

Nodding, I pulled away from Katy and twirling my keys around my finger started for the car.

Hearing everyone else's plans for the holiday made me wish I had a huge family dinner like Sierra, or a night full of baking like Katy, however all I had to look forward too was leftover Chinese from the night before and an empty house.

Dad was working late and Anna more likely then not would be holed up in her room watching Christmas movies.

When Mom had still been at home we used to make a big deal out of Christmas, we had five trees, baked seven different kinds of cookies, always had festive music playing and had different family get togethers planned straight through new year.

After the divorce we started putting up one tree, and started leaving a sleeve of Oreos out for "Santa".

The year before Dad hasn't bothered to put the tree up and since he'd been working, the only gifts Anna and I had to open were Visa gift cards.

Pulling into the driveway I parked behind Anna  before trudging up the front porch and into the house where I was greeted by such an unfamiliar and unexpected sight I questioned for a moment of I was hallucinating and having some kind of  fit.

The tree in the living room was up and decorated, surrounded by stacks of presents. Beside which, Cat and Austin were sitting on the floor playing my xbox.

Jingle bell Rock floated through the warm house along with the tantalizing aroma of lasagna and sugar cookies.

Kicking off my shoes, I made my way into the kitchen, where to my surprise I found Mom and Anna decorating cookies with bags of drippy frosting while Dad stood mixing a pit on the stove.

"Hey buddy." Dad greeted, "How was the  snuffleupagus?"

Dumbfounded, I opened my mouth, then closed it before choking out, "Okay."

"You want a cookie?" Anna offered, "They're not bad calorie wise."

Shaking my head I sat at one of the bar stools pulled up to the counter.

"What's going on?" I questioned, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you." Mom answered.

"No seriously."

"I am being serious."

I turned to Dad, "why aren't you at work?"

"It's Christmas Eve?"

"You always work late on Christmas Eve because you make time and a half."

"Family is more important?"

"Is this just because you don't want me to go back to the loony bin? Because I'm fine. I promise."

"I just wanted to be at home with my kids is that so bad?" He replied.

"Why is she here?" I demanded.

"My Dad hit her." Austin said behind me, grabbing three cookies, "So we're like, not staying there or whatever."

"He hit you?" I cried.

"Cat broke his nose." Austin elaborated, "cracked him in the face with a piece of the Christmas village. He got what he deserved."

"So what does this mean are you two like back together?" I asked.

"Goodness no!" Mom laughed, "Your Dad is dating his assistant."

"You are?" I shouted.

"Inside voices." Mom laughed.

"Thanks Colleen." Dad muttered.

"What?" She questioned innocently, "I think it's cute. I mean she's a little young for you but..."


"Sorry, not my business."

Unsure of what to say I opened my mouth however closed it again when Anna shook her head and handed me a cookie.

Not wanting to start drama I nodded.

"On another note!" Mom said excitedly, "Who's ready for dinner?"

Skinny • Book 1 In The Reality SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now