Chapter two

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It had been an odd night for the Malfoy family and Severus Snape. It began with Lucius and Narcissa discovering the awful treatment of the Dursley's nephew, who turned out to be Harry Potter, and then Narcissa's motherly side raging out and insisting they take Harry away from the home. Next, Severus was called to come over with Draco, Narcissa and Lucius's son, to help Harry. Now, it had been revealed that Harry was suffering mentally and physically from his time at his aunt and uncle's house. Narcissa had informed that Harry had cried out for help, saying he couldn't do this anymore and just wanted it to end. It was very clear Harry was done with how he got treated and death seemed to be his idea of finally escaping it. Of course, Severus, nor the Malfoy's could let Harry reach that point; so they were now faced with trying to figure out what to do to help.

"Let's look at facts for a moment," Narcissa stated as she was sitting in Lucius's office with Severus and Lucius, of course. Draco had been instructed to keep watch on Harry, and get them if he started to wake up. "Severus, the night James and Lily Potter were murdered by Voldemort; why didn't Harry go to his godfather? We all know it is Sirius Black."

"Dumbledore sent Hagrid to get Potter from the house in Godric's Hollow, saying he would be safer with his aunt with the blood wards that he would erect. From what I understand, Black had shown up to take Harry, but Hagrid said Dumbledore had a safer place, so Black relinquished Harry to Dumbledore and then went after Pettigrew." Severus said. "And we all know that Pettigrew framed Black for his murder, and Black was sentenced without trial to Azkaban for twelve years."

"It was for life, if I recall." Lucius stated.

"Yes, but Black was freed during Harry's third year. Yes, he did escape that year, but after Black's recapturing...He ended up broken out and set free. No one knows where he is now." Severus stated. "I have a sneaking suspicion that Harry, in fact, knows where his godfather is. There is no doubt in my mind that he also knows how Black got out a second time."

"Perhaps we can ask him?" Narcissa suggested.

"We could, but after he's had some time to adjust." Lucius informed. "When he wakes, whether tonight or tomorrow morning; he will be confused and I know that myself, Draco, and even Severus are not his favorite people. There is bound to be hostility until it's explained."

"The situation at hand is what do we do with him?" Severus looked to his old-time friends. "Potter cannot go back to the Dursley's, that is absolute."

"And he can't stay here for the times Voldemort decides to pop in." Narcissa claimed.

"Dumbledore will try to send him back to the Dursley's," Severus remarked. "I would have suggested sending Harry to the Weasley's home, but it's not protected by any real wards. Dumbledore would show up, insist Harry is back inside the blood wards with his aunt."

"How about with you, Severus?" Lucius offered.

"I think not." Severus scoffed. "I deal with the brat enough during the school year. I will not be taking him into my care..."

"Then what is the point of us discussing how to help him. He won't be safe with friends, and he can't be here because of Voldemort. He will end up back with the muggles," Narcissa commented firmly. "You don't truly hate the boy that much, do you?"

"I...Don't hate him," Severus replied.

"Then why won't you take him in?" Narcissa pushed. "Harry would undoubtedly be safe with you, Severus. Your wards are as powerful as the ones here, so there is that form of protection since we cannot keep him here."

"I work as a double agent for Voldemort and Dumbledore..." Severus said.

"But your occlumency is stronger than anyone else's...So the boy would be safe behind your wards and from anyone getting into your head to learn the truth." Lucius said calmly.

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